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New Occam's Razor.
The site you're using has been shown to be publishing incorrect information. They are not trustworthy.

The Civil War started 150 years ago. It is well-documented and well studied. Some obscure web site is not more credible than actual historians who have dedicated their professional lives to studying the topic.


As Kevin Sieff reported in The Washington Post on Wednesday, historians are wondering how a fourth-grade textbook in Virginia was approved despite including the spurious claim that “Thousands of Southern blacks fought in the Confederate ranks, including two black battalions under the command of Stonewall Jackson.”

Asked about her sources, the textbook’s author, Joy Masoff — whose other books include “Fire!” and “Oh Yikes! History’s Grossest, Wackiest Moments” — cited Ervin Jordan, a University of Virginia historian who is the author of “Black Confederates and Afro-Yankees in Civil War Virginia.”

Like other noted historians, Mr. Jordan told The Post that while there is documentary evidence that some African-Americans fought for the Confederacy, “There’s no way of knowing that there were thousands…. And the claim about Jackson is totally false.”

Why do you go in for these ridiculous fabrications pushed by fringes of the right wing in this country?

New Ahh, the laugh test
C'mon 'nother, you can't point that out to box.
That's cheating.
New FFS are you claiming that the description
on page 19 of the book published in 1863 is a lie? Explain why it is a lie, and being used as a reference by a site you dont like 148 years later is not a valid reason
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New Ok...
The word "negroes" appears twice in that book, "negro" once. If they were major characters in the story, one would think they'd get more than an off-hand mention.

The book reads like a novel to me, with its omnipotent narrator. It doesn't read like a true eyewitness account. He's not a dispassionate narrator, either, in my reading of the first 20 pages.



Even though Gen­eral Lee in Jan­u­ary 1865 requested that the CSA Con­gress enlist slaves, they still resisted the idea. How­ell Cobb of Geor­gia in Jan­u­ary of 1865 called the use of negroes as sol­diers “the most per­ni­cious idea that has been sug­gested since the war began,” con­tin­u­ing, “you can­not make sol­diers of slaves or slaves of sol­diers.… The day you make sol­diers of them is the begin­ning of the rev­o­lu­tion. If slaves will make good sol­diers, our whole the­ory of slav­ery is wrong.“3

So even in Novem­ber of 1864, when the rebel army was starv­ing, and in des­per­ate straits, the CSA con­gress still opposed enlist­ing slaves, and it was not legal to do so until March of 1865.

So where does the claim of black Con­fed­er­ate sol­diers come from?

Well, when Rich­mond fell the Union Army did find some par­tial com­pa­nies of slaves who were train­ing as soldiers–the exact num­ber is unclear, 200 at most, says David Blight.4

The sin­gle biggest source for this, though, is very star­tling and worth look­ing at. North­ern Dr. Lewis H. Steiner wit­nessed the Con­fed­er­ate cap­ture of Fred­er­ick, MD in 1862. Steiner wrote “Over 3,000 Negroes must be included in this num­ber [of Con­fed­er­ate troops]. These were clad in all kinds of uni­forms, not only in cast-off or cap­tured United States uni­forms, but in coats with South­ern but­tons, State but­tons, etc. These were shabby, but not shab­bier or seed­ier than those worn by white men in the rebel ranks. Most of the Negroes had arms, rifles, mus­kets, sabers, bowie-knives, dirks, etc.….and were man­i­festly an inte­gral por­tion of the South­ern Con­fed­er­ate Army.“5

Peo­ple who want to believe that loyal slaves fought for the Con­fed­er­acy take this very strong account, and assume that it rep­re­sents the aver­age num­ber of black sol­diers in the Con­fed­er­ate Army, and con­clude that as many as 50,000 black men fought for the con­fed­er­acy! 6

There are all sorts of prob­lems with this. A: was Steiner right about the num­ber? B: was he right that he saw sol­diers, and not slaves in sup­port units? C: can you extrap­o­late what he saw to apply to the rest of the Con­fed­er­ate Army D: what was Steiner’s agenda?

Steiner’s account, which can be read on Google Books, is worth exam­in­ing. Steiner was a par­ti­san: a ded­i­cated Yan­kee, his account of the Con­fed­er­ate Army is clearly designed to ridicule and belit­tle. He mocks the CSA sol­diers for being dirty and ill smelling. He writes, of the black sol­diers: “The fact was patent, and rather inter­est­ing when con­sid­ered in con­nec­tion with the hor­ror rebels express at the sug­ges­tion of black sol­diers being employed for the National defence.” Was he report­ing an accu­rate num­ber, or try­ing to mock the CSA and its Army? It’s also worth not­ing that Steiner’s account describes How­ell Cobb, quoted above, as march­ing into Fred­er­ick with this col­umn of 3000 black troops–the same How­ell Cobb who would write, less than three years later: “you can­not make sol­diers of slaves or slaves of sol­diers.… The day you make sol­diers of them is the begin­ning of the rev­o­lu­tion. If slaves will make good sol­diers, our whole the­ory of slav­ery is wrong.” Can Steiner be right?

Mean­while, none of the other accounts from the occu­pa­tion of Fred­er­ick sup­port this obser­va­tion. None of the con­fed­er­ate sol­diers who were at Fredrick write about black Con­fed­er­ate soldiers–in fact, as Chan­dra Man­ning points out, white CSA sol­diers were for the most part strongly opposed to using slaves in the Army. And again, there’s the fact that the govt. of the CSA for­bid the enlist­ment of slaves in 1862, when Fred­er­ick fell.

There are no accounts from natives of Fred­er­ick of describ­ing 3000 armed black men in town. There are very few accounts from north­ern sol­diers of black troops in arms for the CSA. And keep in mind Civil War bat­tles were heav­ily cov­ered by reporters. Fred­er­ick is not far from Wash­ing­ton. There are no con­tem­po­rary accounts from reporters of large num­bers of armed black sol­diers in the CSA.

So we have a case of one source–Steiner–being taken as gospel and then enlarged to the point where it has turned into 50,ooo black sol­diers, approx­i­mately 1/3 the total CSA Army in 1865.

It’s a case of wish ful­fill­ment. Peo­ple want to believe in black Con­fed­er­ates, and they reuse to let his­tor­i­cal evi­dence stand in their way. It’s pos­si­ble some black men fought for the con­fed­er­acy: it’s a big coun­try, there are a lot of peo­ple in it with a lot of motives. It’s very likely some slaves and pos­si­bly free blacks served in sup­port posi­tions and as ser­vants. Nos­tal­gia, after the war, might remem­ber that ser­vice as sol­dier­ing. To turn it into a large scale phe­nom­e­non of black men fight­ing for the Con­fed­er­acy, you have to ignore the facts.

Emphasis added.


     TNC: Black Confederates at Harvard - (Another Scott) - (56)
         discuss away - (boxley) - (50)
             exceptio probat regulam in casibus non exceptis -NT - (Another Scott) - (48)
                 corner cases do apply - (boxley) - (47)
                     Read it again. - (Another Scott) - (46)
                         I read it just fine - (boxley) - (45)
                             You think there were 3,000 - 10,000 black fifes in the CSA? -NT - (Another Scott) - (44)
                                 dunno, lets take a look - (boxley) - (43)
                                     You might want to find another source. - (Another Scott) - (5)
                                         So the report by Lewis H Steiner. - (boxley) - (4)
                                             Occam's Razor. - (Another Scott) - (3)
                                                 Ahh, the laugh test - (crazy)
                                                 FFS are you claiming that the description - (boxley) - (1)
                                                     Ok... - (Another Scott)
                                     Another rebuttal you might like. - (Another Scott) - (36)
                                         I will quote General Bedford Forrest in rebuttal - (boxley) - (35)
                                             Hold on a second - (drook) - (17)
                                                 it was a war to steal the wealth of the south - (boxley) - (1)
                                                     Really? - the wealth of the South . . . - (Andrew Grygus)
                                                 It wasn't - (SpiceWare) - (14)
                                                     And why were the confederate states trying to secede? -NT - (drook) - (13)
                                                         why was the union stealing slaves then selling therm? - (boxley)
                                                         I don't deny that slavery was a factor - (SpiceWare)
                                                         Their Constitutional Rights were being violated by the North - (mmoffitt) - (10)
                                                             A neat, bound copy for $5 ppd?! Order 300M of the suckers. -NT - (Ashton)
                                                             They lost the argument. Thankfully. -NT - (Another Scott) - (8)
                                                                 What argument? - (mmoffitt) - (7)
                                                                     If it's so clear cut, what was Dred Scott about? - (Another Scott) - (6)
                                                                         Huh? - (mmoffitt) - (5)
                                                                             doffs cap in your direction -NT - (boxley)
                                                                             We live in alternate universes apparently. :-/ -NT - (Another Scott)
                                                                             Have you been reading "Disunion" in the NYTimes? - (Another Scott) - (2)
                                                                                 So, because he didn't do it until a year later, ... - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                                                                                     dubya actually used lincum as precedent in his argument -NT - (boxley)
                                             Yeah, Forrest was a great man. - (Another Scott) - (10)
                                                 you mentioned lots of reporters in the war eh? - (boxley) - (9)
                                                     You're dancing around the issue. - (Another Scott) - (3)
                                                         hey thanx! you just admitted 1500 black csa troops - (boxley) - (2)
                                                             Read it again. They didn't fight. -NT - (Another Scott) - (1)
                                                                 never said they did, I said they served -NT - (boxley)
                                                     You didn't answer my question. Did you miss it? - (Another Scott) - (4)
                                                         sorry, I went back thru your links - (boxley) - (3)
                                                             One last time, then I'm done. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                                                                 One last time myself - (boxley) - (1)
                                                                     Or as Shelby noted... - (mmoffitt)
                                             Hmmmm . . . Doesn't say they were armed and fighting. - (Andrew Grygus) - (5)
                                                 so the 90 guys in iraq that support the 10 combat troops - (boxley) - (4)
                                                     Yeah, they're already doing that - (drook) - (3)
                                                         we are saving money doing that? - (boxley) - (2)
                                                             What's the question? - (drook) - (1)
                                                                 pick one, I dont care -NT - (boxley)
             (Dup.) -NT - (Another Scott)
         For those interested - TNC has a follow-up - (Another Scott)
         Jourdon Anderson writes his old boss. - (Another Scott) - (3)
             now I wonder if our lincoln would write a similar letter - (boxley) - (1)
                 not a chance - (lincoln)
             Just plain Masterful.. - (Ashton)

How long a minute is depends on what side of the bathroom door you’re on.
78 ms