Post #346,404
8/19/11 9:37:04 AM
I'm with ash on this
So, you are being the fairest guy possible, and defending against accusations from Peta (not known for their subtlety).
Nope. Doesn't matter. The basic premise of this is to harm animals for fun.
Anything after that point is excuses.
Do you have any favorite cultural activity that includes harming animals (other than killing them to eat them)? Have you ever harmed animals for fun?
Do I need to track down examples the the actual harm done to the turtles to prove that your defense of a snippet probably is a poor decision (unless you really enjoy that sort of thing)?
Post #346,405
8/19/11 9:46:17 AM
Ok then...
What is your take on Fugu (pufferfish) and how its prepare in Japan for eating?
The fish is knocked out with a very sharp blow to the head and then is prepared/cut up LIVING. Head chopped off first, then gutted, heart still beating. Then poisonous piece parts removed.
Most people eat the fish within 45 minutes of the first cut, of which about 35 minutes of prep time is required... due to Japanese certified Fugu chefs washing and prep time.
So, where is PETA on that? Far more Fugu are killed, than these Turtles are killed each year. And in a FAR MORE BARBARIC way.
Post #346,421
8/19/11 1:47:18 PM
Each of those cases are almost ok
Really, I've got a sick sense of right vs wrong, and I'm not against hunting or certain types of activities that others could consider awful.
Like the pufferfish. It's kind of shitty that they prepare it that way, and I'm sure it suffers. But on the offchance that some one stupid enough to trigger this to happen will die, and die in a horrible way, makes it worth it. At least to me.
Bullriding (vs fighting where they stick spikes in the bull, totally against that one) is ok too. That bull has a good chance to stomp the shit out of the guy who is annoying it. Works for me.
I fully support people engaging in Darwinian activities up to their full potential. Now THAT'S entertainment!
But turtles? That can snap? Whoopee. Next year they'll have a slug salting contest. Overmatches are not entertaining, they are torture.
Post #346,422
8/19/11 1:56:51 PM
You realize that snap can snap through a broomstick?
What they're doing is seriously stupid, or it wouldn't be so popular to watch people try it.
Post #346,427
8/19/11 2:03:50 PM
Yes, I do
So what.
You lose a finger, they lose a head.
Overmatches are torture.
Post #346,433
8/19/11 2:43:33 PM
But *do they* lose a head?
That didn't look like ripping a head off. Looked like the test is to get your hand entirely around the neck, which is probably the "safe" way to control a snapper.
What this looks like to me is they made a contest out of something that people do anyway when harvesting snappers.
You've seen people fish for catfish by reaching into the holes and letting the fish bite their hand, then close down and pull it out by the lower jaw? I can imagine when people go out into the swamps to collect snappers -- either to sell in pet stores or for food -- they probably do something like this, because any non-lethal trap that would work could probably be broken by a pissed-off snapper.
And of course any time you get a bunch of rednecks together doing something dangerous and potentially stupid, someone is going to say he can do it better and faster than you.
Post #346,434
8/19/11 2:45:10 PM
You know I can't answer without researching
And you told me not to research it because you don't really care.
Post #346,435
8/19/11 2:46:57 PM
"Hold my beer. Watch this..."
Post #346,500
8/20/11 4:02:13 PM
Quoting a Texan driving a pickup truck ...
"Chicago to my mind was the only place to be. ... I above all liked the city because it was filled with people all a-bustle, and the clatter of hooves and carriages, and with delivery wagons and drays and peddlers and the boom and clank of freight trains. And when those black clouds came sailing in from the west, pouring thunderstorms upon us so that you couldn't hear the cries or curses of humankind, I liked that best of all. Chicago could stand up to the worst God had to offer. I understood why it was built--a place for trade, of course, with railroads and ships and so on, but mostly to give all of us a magnitude of defiance that is not provided by one house on the plains. And the plains is where those storms come from."
-- E.L. Doctorow
Post #346,437
8/19/11 2:50:50 PM
snapper hunting? Easy peasey
hold out stick, snapper clamps on. Pull a little then swipe off head with sharp knife, put into collection sack for making soup later (body, not head)
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
Post #346,438
8/19/11 2:51:27 PM
What if you want them alive?
I'm assuming there are people who sometimes do want them alive.
Post #346,439
8/19/11 3:08:20 PM
Can't imagine why
and I did grow up in snapper country (though never witnessed anything this stupid)
And the broomstick comment..thats a normal size...big ones would take more than one finger at a time...and they aren't (contrary to turtle lore) slow about doing it.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #346,441
8/19/11 3:11:38 PM
Tortoises are slow, turtles are fast.
Regards, -scott Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
Post #346,443
8/19/11 3:17:17 PM
dont cut off the head, they will hang on stick for long time
make lousy pets tho
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
Post #346,475
8/20/11 6:58:04 AM
I had one
It lived under the bush in front of my driveway.
Got it as a baby. Bit me once or twice when I was feeding it, simply because it missed the food, but other than that, nope.
Note: I do NOT assign human (or even my perspective of mammalian) emotions to reptiles, I'm not pretending it even liked me. But I did not need to worry about it biting me on purpose.
My daughter got a baby turtle and a 50 gallon tank a few years ago. This thing would swim around the tank, following the movements of her hand, and wanted to be handled, even when it was not hungry. It got pretty big. She gave it away. I don't recall it ever biting her.
On the other hand, remember the stories of her killer hamster that would jump across the cage and sink his teeth into us every chance it got?
Post #346,480
8/20/11 8:54:46 AM
That wouldn't have been a real snapper
One, you still have fingers and two, it's a water turtle.
We have yertle here...a gopher tortoise that lives out back about 18 inches nose to tail
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #346,504
8/20/11 4:14:10 PM
Her's was a water turtle
And I do not know what it was.And yes, I KNOW snappers are going to instinctually snap.
Mine lived under a bush.
I don't claim mine was a snapper. But it was a reptile, it was an omnivore, and it connected me as a harmless food source to be tolerated.
I'm just pointing out that pet or not, you don't need to kill things for fun, at least I don't, and people who do like to kill things for fun are probably fucked up in the head, and not just in the apparent area.
And organized events that kill things for fun that you bring your kids to take it to the next level. Grooming the next generation of serial killers is not something that I support, and raises to the level of something I'd actively oppose.
Except at that point I'd be publicly opposing the actions of a group of people that probably have a decent selection of serial killers in it, so I'd most likely just keep my mouth shut.
Post #346,444
8/19/11 3:21:04 PM
When I was a kid there was a technique
We caught them by sneaking up on them in the water and grabbing them more than half way back on their shell. It wasn't easy. Their head can come back around about half their body width and they have powerful jaws. I never got a big one. Some of the adults got a big one and I saw it cooked alive. I quit catching them. They don't make good pets and my sense of humor never ran that way.
Post #346,468
8/20/11 3:49:59 AM
Well, Indonesians [IIRC] like(d) to cut off the skull-cap
of living monkeys ... and eat their brains / live. Close-animal-relatives, that is. qed
So Murica has no patent [Yet.. M/Soft may be working on that?] on utter depravity;
we just tend to make more $$ by selling the Inexcusable to the slavering masses with no cuth and-Damn-Proud of It.
The species is deranged; 'MAD' Proves That. Some bipeds *ARE* willing to unleash gigatons of TNT--for some surreal 'political game' in mind.
Could there be a better proof of clinical insanity--across an entire species?
So today, we are just observing how the combo of creeping-idiocy + massive over-population: actually DOES kill itself/and much else/step-by-toddling-step.
(It's easy to become a misanthrope.. after a few decades of what (even just-I have seen.)
Today, I'd walk 10 miles +/- to rescue any old abused or abandoned feline. (Or: for ... ~a few dozen bipeds.)
I choose next to watch / at a distance. Disturbed bipeds are the real beasts in our demonology; actual 'beasts' are quite saner
--by any definition: even the predators.
They know Nothing of schadenfreude: Reactionary Muricans thrive on such diseased mental states.
(I learned a lot from my John Bircher-Gramma, early-on.)
Post #346,410
8/19/11 11:52:54 AM
Are they actually harmed?
That's a serious question. It clearly isn't fun for them, but is it any worse than American style bullriding?
That's a case where I don't particularly enjoy watching it, and when someone gets stomped or gored I don't feel too bad for them, but I don't think the animals are (usually) harmed by it.
Same for this (maybe). I figure anyone who loses a finger to a snapper because he's trying to pull the head out of the shell was pretty much asking for it. But does it actually hurt the turtles? That's not clear from the video.
So no, I'm not asking you to track down examples. I don't care that much. It's not like I'm going to go out there and start protesting or anything.