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New Free PayPal membership... for only $1.95
Just set up a "free" account to pay for an on-line order with a merchant that goes through PayPal. Then got the following in an e-mail from PayPal...

This is a reminder that we need you to enter your Member Number.
The credit card to which we sent the Member Number was added to
your PayPal account on 07 April 2002, and ends in 3018.

How to enter your Member Number:

PayPal has charged a $1.95 membership fee to your credit card. You can
obtain and enter your Member Number by following the steps below:

1. In the item description section of your next credit card
statement, your 4-digit Member Number will be printed next
\tto the $1.95 PayPal Membership Fee. Check your next
\tstatement to find your unique Member Number.

I guess there must be a definition of "free" that I missed. This charge isn't documented anywhere that I could find. And I never even completed the order through this account because it turned out the merchant doesn't accept international payments. #@&%$*!!! One more for PayPalWarnings.com...

New Yes, I saw that.
The merchant's PayPal interface that I used didn't work, so I went to register at PayPal.com. Fortunately, I discovered the "charge" before I was commited to it, so I didn't go through with the transaction.

I also informed the merchant about all of this. They were most apologetic and were willing to do the sale via email.


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

     Free PayPal membership... for only $1.95 - (scoenye) - (1)
         Yes, I saw that. - (static)

Why do you ask me? You know I cannot do this thing anymore with the bugs.
27 ms