I can only wish that the Muslims would get medieval on us. At that point they were the most civilized people on the planet. And not even bad by modern standards, other than we now pretend to depricate war, and they didn't.
Actually, if I recall the timeline correctly, in the 7th Century they had The Man himself running the show while writing The Book.
History. Not what one would expect. Even if you are a history geek.
The one lesson that runs through all of it was verified by fossil remains: we haven't changed noticeably in a hell of a long time. Thog Tigerbiter*, who figured out that whole fire thing had a brain the about same size as Einstein's, the cousin painting in those caves had one the same size as Picasso's (and the results were amazingly similar) and whoever figured out that whacking a hollow log with a stick makes a pleasing sound (and some hollow logs are better than others) had a brain as large as Wolfgang Amadeus'.
* Obviously, I'm guessing his or her name.