Am shipping my youngest one off to IU in less than two weeks. My late younger brother was actually born in Bloomington while dad (who passed July 2 this year) was in graduate school there. Made his first, true, lifelong Black friend who lived upstairs in "Hoosier Courts" (married housing) right above us. It is a vastly more Progressive place than the rest of the cornfield.

[Update]: It's painful to read what I wrote only a year ago. My daughter's first year experience at IU confirms, without any ambiguity at all, that Bloomington is as festering a shithole as the rest of this state. I stand very much corrected. The racism down there is as palpable as it is anywhere and worse - much, much worse. It makes sense when you think about it - Southern Indiana is really Northern Kentucky and IU is still populated largely with Indiana natives. So it stands to reason that it is, like the rest of Indiana, a great place to be from.