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New Re: Reich has a similar blindness to Krugman.
I do appreciate that angles remain, that it's possible that his tactics AND strategy may be leading to a coup de grace against the Banana Republican suicidal-wing of the Party.
(A mercy killing, of course.) I expect that he bloody-well should see a lot more options.. than do the vox populi!

But if enough congresscritters *today* (against this extortion) have left, little faith? in Obama's meta-bargaining chops--thus the bill just won't pass:
O. shall be forced to use the National Security option (hardly a ploy: it IS about national security, in the most precise sense)
to evade that which some of these terrorists Really want: Screw the US/or any mere 'people' in it; 'we want our country back' aka decoded: kill the Nigger.

We now have too many Disgusting people, IMO, to form a country (next) anything like what America once was thought to 'be about'.
The 0.1% manifestly Pwns X% of our alleged representatives; we can never know X, only surmise.. is that fait accompli even reversible, where voting is optional among so many?

I too continue to hope that Obama's Plan is far more meticulously constructed than I can guess. I also hope that he didn't skip Street Fighting 101--an elective course.
(I don't think you get more than one chance to elect an outstanding mind to the WH/per century; Muricans are stalwart against any overt signs of intellect. )

Toes crossed. Beladonna candle lighted to drive away the Golem.
New Booman's take - Know your enemies.

Here we go again. Robert Reich is making good points again, but also misfiring. This is a problem with blame assignment. Before I even look at Reich's argument, let me clear one thing up from the start. How can the federal government create jobs? It can put more money in people's pockets so that they'll spend it on stuff and increase demand. It can give out contracts for people to do work. It can create tax incentives for companies to buy equipment or hire more workers this year rather than next. That's about it. And what do all those things have in common?
They cost money. They lower revenues. They increase our debt and deficit, at least in the short term.

You know what else they have in common? The Republicans are opposed to doing any of them. [...]

Read it - I won't spoil it by quoting more. :-)

Very well said, IMO.

New Wise words..
Also replies, mostly:

Re: Know Your Enemies (4.00 / 4)
Reich drives me crazy. Of course he makes excellent points about jobs and the economy, but like Krugman he knows little or nothing about political maneuvering, and they both demonstrate it each time they write a column. This war has become far more about politics--since the Repugs have the ability and organizational clout to thwart every rational economic step that could be made, they have to be soundly defeated at the ballot box (enough to overcome the Diebold problem). I think Obama has been well aware of this ever since the lead-up to HCR, when we had ample evidence that idiocy, with a complicit media and Koc, Inc., was afoot

Have to concur, finally re. this take on Reich's pol-naivete, as well as Krugman's similar blind spots re the Whole enchilada.
But in Not having such blind-spots (One Hopes), Obama just may have some Aces to play. Agree with 4.00 / 4 on that sentiment.
Diss the Disgusting Destroyers of decent dialogue, as we alliteration addicts admirably affirm.

New counter with a quote from some commentary
Hey, Harry? Maybe if your clown car "leadership" in the Senate had actually proposed a budget when you controlled all three branches we wouldn't be in this sitch…
the disdain for slightly less than 1/2 of the voting public is what landed us in our current situation. the "back of the bus" comments by the president fueled the current firestorm. Sow what you reap.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
     'The President Surrenders' - (Ashton) - (20)
         more often than not, Krugman is right - (lincoln) - (6)
             Reich also spells that out for slow readers - (Ashton) - (5)
                 Reich has a similar blindness to Krugman. - (Another Scott) - (4)
                     Re: Reich has a similar blindness to Krugman. - (Ashton) - (3)
                         Booman's take - Know your enemies. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                             Wise words.. - (Ashton) - (1)
                                 counter with a quote from some commentary - (boxley)
         Dunno. - (Another Scott) - (12)
             He's also made them look like fanatical idiots. - (static)
             No votes for public option? - (mmoffitt) - (10)
                 The problem was always getting 60 in the Senate. - (Another Scott) - (1)
                     He only needed 11 more for reconciliation. - (mmoffitt)
                 Getting a bit tired of the whining - (crazy) - (7)
                     Start with bankers, then Wall Street traders. - (mmoffitt) - (6)
                         Why not? - (crazy) - (5)
                             You trust bidness? - (mmoffitt) - (4)
                                 Of course not - (crazy) - (3)
                                     And how many would have died of polio? - (mmoffitt) - (2)
                                         Some good points. But NASA does a lot more than LEO. - (Another Scott)
                                         Vision statements - (mhuber)

I say your young men'll be fritterin'!
42 ms