It actually declares the slaves who are in areas that have rebelled against the Union are free but it carves out various provinces, various parts of various states, that are still in the Union, you can keep your slaves.
That's a kind reading. It doesn't matter what it "carved out". Lincoln had no authority in those states in rebellion. So, it actually freed no one.
Now, think about that. ThatÂs -- "the great emancipator" was making a compromise in the Emancipation Proclamation because he thought it was necessary in terms of advancing the goals of preserving the Union and winning the war.
Almost. It was a cave in (not surprising this President can't tell the difference between caving in and compromising) to the majority in the North who would not stand for their slaves to be freed at the time of the proclamation. It was an attempt to weaken the South. That part he got right.