In This Edition:
Fukushima: What don't we know?
The inadequate US response to a major security threat: Climate change
An auspicious moment for the BWC review conference?
Energy planning in response to climate change: Accurate costs are critical
Gus Speth: Communicating environmental risks in an age of disinformation
Parting words: Gates and tactical nuclear weapons in Europe
Emphasis added..
That underlined one appears to be the methodology via which the Greedheads (Murican and elsewhere) intend to maintain the flow of cash-->Selves forever;
with 0 regard even for the nest they are fouling via orchestrated indifference to all matters except the fantasy of numbers on a personal spreadsheet.
(And with rampant public ignorance of statistical math and of elementary science, combined with the Daily Noise of bloviators;
with greedhead-orchestrated austerity designs to further distract the masses: is there an up-side at all?)
Are we now squarely within the Crapshoot-for-the-Species foreshortened-Age ??