(I have, by accident a Chase CC, acquired when they bought out yan OK-but-small bank, years back.)
I rarely use it, as Chase is right up there as an Icon of Obloquy. But for the simple-minded Murican Credit-rating system, spawned by Greedheads, Inc ...
one does not lightly toss away what is a (decently high) Max-credit line, just for despising a particular nasty Corp. amidst so many.

But should I ever have a run-in with this corrupt-Corp, I shall make use of this egregious tort-case.
Wonder how one can follow-up on Mr. Njoku's eventual recompense; it should have many 000s after the nominal amount.

Guess dropping by KING5 might do, but I'd imagine that Chase will demand a non-disclosure on any (significant) payment for their sordid racist/malfeasance.

Nice catch--it's rarely so clearly a case of visceral malfeasance, from the get-go..