we go again! Using my tax dollars to fund the
wacko moral minority who use religion (not spirituality) and
tools like marriage to reverse all the steps forward that
women have made the last 30 years. Next they'll be telling
us that anyone opposed to marriage is a 'terrorist' and
undermining (their) core 'values'.
Off the top of my head, I can think of three children who have
been raised by single parents (due to one circumstance or
another) and they have turned out great! All three have
brilliant futures ahead. Their parents were very committed
to their success.
On the other hand, I can think of three other children who were
raised in traditionally married households. All three have problems
with drugs, the law, lack of education, lack of opportunities, etc.
In large part this is due to a lack of commitment, discipline, and
communication on the part of the parents.
There are good parents and bad parents -- married and single.
Parenting education is needed far worse than politically-based
marriage initiatives.
My $.02