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New I hate computers sometimes... Printing to a Mac Server.
I've got a Mac Mini Server on our network at home, and I can print directly from it but our wireless and wired networked Macs have trouble printing to it.

The printer in question is a Lexmark E234 connected to the Mini via USB.

Sometimes I've gotten it working via some incantations, but invariably 6-9 months later something will change and I'll spend hours going through it again.


Normally, you can't share USB printers via Mac OS X Server because the Print Server can only deal with Postscript printers. However, you can share USB printers normally via CUPS.

Set up your printer as normal (System Preferences » Print & Fax). Then, in Safari go to CUPS, which is usually at http://localhost:631. Click the Administration tab, then click the Share published printers connected to this system checkbox. Click Change Settings, and enter your admin username and password. Voila, plain old USB Printer Sharing works.


After doing this and resetting the print queues on the client Macs, it started working.


[edit:] And of course, I no longer can print from my XP laptop. Grr.

The magic incantations are here: http://blog.codefron...-os-x-to-windows/

In my case, the Lexmark E234 off the Mini URL becomes:


Clear as mud, right? ;-)

(Who can't wait until biometric IDs are required for everything. "What do you mean my ID is invalid!!!!11")
Collapse Edited by Another Scott June 25, 2011, 06:33:07 PM EDT
I hate computers sometimes... Printing to a Mac Server.
I've got a Mac Mini Server on our network at home, and I can print directly from it but our wireless and wired networked Macs have trouble printing to it.

The printer in question is a Lexmark E234 connected to the Mini via USB.

Sometimes I've gotten it working via some incantations, but invariably 6-9 months later something will change and I'll spend hours going through it again.


Normally, you can't share USB printers via Mac OS X Server because the Print Server can only deal with Postscript printers. However, you can share USB printers normally via CUPS.

Set up your printer as normal (System Preferences » Print & Fax). Then, in Safari go to CUPS, which is usually at http://localhost:631. Click the Administration tab, then click the Share published printers connected to this system checkbox. Click Change Settings, and enter your admin username and password. Voila, plain old USB Printer Sharing works.


After doing this and resetting the print queues on the client Macs, it started working.


New You know...
I just use IPP from Windows XP. Works Every time.
     I hate computers sometimes... Printing to a Mac Server. - (Another Scott) - (1)
         You know... - (folkert)

If I'm going to visit an exotic foreign land with L. Ron Hubbard or Jim Jones, I'll opt for the Scientology tour.
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