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New Re: I understand the frustration, but he's not king.
He doesn't have the votes to do more. That's the bottom line.

I too wish he had appointed some different people and pushed for more progressive policies, but remember how difficult it was to get what he did.

The thing is, he originally HAD the votes if he was any kind of a leader. I think he pushed for, and got, exactly the policies that he wanted. He went out of his way to torpedo anything better; it was all off the table from the start.

Until the voters in House and Senate races stop sending totally intransigent people to DC, nothing more progressive is going to get done.

The only people allowed in the races are those chosen for their obedience to the cause (of the very rich.) We have a one party system now, the keptocrat party, with an overt wing that call themselves republicans and a covert wing that call themselves democrats. No one else need apply. They won't be seen. I used to think this was a cynical view. Now it's the kindest way I can think of the system. Pity that...
New I really don't think he did have the votes.
E.g. on the Public Option, there were some favorable noises by some who eventually voted against it, but I don't think he ever really did have the 60+ needed for it. The actual votes show us that he didn't.

We don't need to go through the history again (e.g. Franken being kept out for months, Kennedy dying, Coakley's loss, etc.).

I think the fact that what has passed has generally been close to what he has proposed isn't a reflection of his power ("see, he could have gotten more if he asked for it!" - as said by some), but more a reflection of his team understanding the positions of the people in the houses before making the proposals public. If it were just a matter of him asking and making the case, then Guantanamo would be closed, KSM would be on trial in NYC, he'd have a full complement of people on the Fed, Warren would be running the CFPB, etc.

Those who want to obstruct him are using every tool they can. He doesn't have bribes and punishments and favors to shower down upon them the way LBJ did; all he has is persuasion and he's done pretty well with that so far.


Time will tell who's closer to being right. ;-)

     Matt Taibbi on Michele Bachman - (rcareaga) - (26)
         Thanks for the pointer. -NT - (Another Scott)
         Sheeee-IT! - (folkert) - (2)
             Mass Man has arrived! - (dmcarls) - (1)
                 Al punte.. will get back on this one, anon.. - (Ashton)
         at least palin was a rank opportunist - (boxley) - (21)
             What? - (crazy) - (20)
                 we got to get the batshit crazy gone for good - (boxley) - (19)
                     Less than one term... - (folkert)
                     "one term ought to do it" - (rcareaga) - (1)
                         Ich spreche kein Deutsch, but - (Ashton)
                     Worked with W, after all, didn't it? :-p -NT - (Another Scott) - (15)
                         I said batshit crazy not batshit stupid :-) -NT - (boxley) - (14)
                             Agree with Rand - (crazy) - (13)
                                 sure why not? - (boxley) - (12)
                                     Aye carumba. -NT - (Another Scott) - (10)
                                         Regretably, I agree with the shitty troll - (hnick) - (9)
                                             I understand the frustration, but he's not king. - (Another Scott) - (8)
                                                 ROFL! - (boxley) - (1)
                                                     Meh... -NT - (Another Scott)
                                                 We are all impatient for closure with the inane troglodytes - (Ashton) - (3)
                                                     :-) Well said. Here's an excerpt from "A Singular Woman" - (Another Scott)
                                                     I have said before - (boxley) - (1)
                                                         Since you (also) are not an idiot - (Ashton)
                                                 Re: I understand the frustration, but he's not king. - (hnick) - (1)
                                                     I really don't think he did have the votes. - (Another Scott)
                                     Nit. - (mmoffitt)

63 ms