Likely I'll read this one, too; have read excerpts.
I can empathize with the separation (B. in Hawaii, she in Indonesia) as one--also 'away' in school at a similar age--who is aware of the advantages of such separation -vs- any imagined 'pining' for some Beaver Cleaver soap-opera version of life. I think I was never attracted to homogenization, can merely suppose that Obama's experience might have produced a few similarities in experience. (It was his mother "who could not bear the separation longer" / the strain of her son's growing up without her.) The quality of time spent with a parent is different when the exposure is not constant, expected and--inevitably--taken for granted: thus likely also to spawn a rote relationship, maybe even a shallow(er) one. But I digress.
Yeah, it's easy to diss B.O. From the outside, there appear to be so many missed opportunities! to Take A Stand LoudlyÂ--and that's always so satisfying, emotionally. Even when/especially when the outcome is seen to be inexorable and the High Stand betrays a naivete about where real Power resides in the matter(s). Having changed nothing, one has merely shown self to yield to impetuous anger. I cannot doubt that Obama is possessed of the self-knowledge and the essential wider social knowledge which underlies his patience in the face of bald-faced opposition, sometimes of ludicrous dimension and now so Often! towards inane or even malevolent aims. Murican politicos are such gutless, unprincipled and feckless cowards, ever driven by groupthink: as compared with the historical figures we foolishly imagine they might measure-up-to. Obama would need be only moderately courageous to trump most of these harpies, as, I hope he will--at the appropriate/crucial? moment(s).
He hasn't been assassinated. Yet.
But to the bystander that patience seems like ambivalence or weakness, especially when we are wishing mightily for a verbal smackdown which reflects our own disgust with the hypocrisies and sanctimonies of many (most?) Pols who ever make it through the inane Murican gantlet--that fantasy which demands fairytale claims of personal Wonderfulness.
So I'll trust my own perceptions of his character over any easy snarks by the chattering class--unless/until he should commit some overt acts of say, the abject psychotic-grade of Tricky Dick? the mindless fantasy-stuff of Ronnie? or anything approaching the malevolent agenda of the Cheney Shogunate bedfellows.. still (like My Gramma) haunting the planet as-if they were not the zombies seen, but authentically alive.
I don't see Anyone out there--lusting after The Power, cobbling up bloviations, plotting ploys--whose intelligence, character, integrity are within an order-of-magnitude of Barack Obama's chops: this despite my own impatience at his failure to display -yet??-Ever?- some crucial Leadership at some perfectly-timed tipping-point (yet to arrive?) There will always be such doubts--or one is merely adoring some fantasy-person and in this.. violating the Prime Directive Â
Blessed are those who expect Nothing, for never shall they be Disappointed.
Fingers may be cramped when crossed for lengthy periods Â