we got to get the batshit crazy gone for good
one term ought to do it
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
Less than one term...
What was the term you used?
Emancipation... no Recall Vote... no Peachy-Keen... no Impeachment... YES! If she *WINS*, I'll bet it'll take all of 18 months before she is forced out of the seat. |
"one term ought to do it"
Ein Verwaltung sollten es tun. Sounds better in German, don't you think? Let's party like it's 1933!
cordially, |
Ich spreche kein Deutsch, but
I tend to hew towards, Gehabt Kindern! as the briefest, generally-applicable antidote to (n+1) of today's maudlin lying-slogans:
YOU HAVE BEEN HAD, CHILDREN! I could almost see voting for -- via RC |
Worked with W, after all, didn't it? :-p
I said batshit crazy not batshit stupid :-)
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
Agree with Rand
While you may look around you, and say, fuck it, how much damage can she do?, most of the rest of us look around and say, FUCK, why the fuck should we have to suffer under it, and how many years will it take to undo her damage.
It'll take many more terms than Obama might have, or the next few, to fix (if even possible) the Bush damage. And now you want to pile on? |
sure why not?
he has got more wars than bush, more corporate cronyism than bush, money sliding from the poor to the rich at an accelerating rate than bush, more draconian stripping of americans rights than bush but you will vote for obama because the republicans will be worse. Got it
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
Aye carumba.
Regretably, I agree with the shitty troll
Obama has been a steaming pile of republican since day one. If we are going to have a republican agenda, the republicans should have to take the rap for it. For way past my lifetime, people are going to be saying "But this was done by Clinton/Obama and you voted for them. This is your fault. We're just fixing it..." Having faux candidates is disingenuous.
Obama is a likable guy. So what? He hasn't the talent or the will to lead a pack of cub scouts to the toilet. He immediately sold out to wall street. He passed a health care bill that sucked dead gophers. Preemptive capitulation is not a useful bargaining strategy unless you have totally sold out before the deal opened. He's no good to anybody but wall street. He is helping to create the kind of society that creates suicide bombers. |
I understand the frustration, but he's not king.
He doesn't have the votes to do more. That's the bottom line.
I too wish he had appointed some different people and pushed for more progressive policies, but remember how difficult it was to get what he did. Until the voters in House and Senate races stop sending totally intransigent people to DC, nothing more progressive is going to get done. BTW, did you catch his speech on Wednesday? He was quite explicit about what he believes is most important in our politics, and it explains a lot of his actions when people expect him to fight more - http://www.whitehous...rward-afghanistan [...] Emphasis added. I think he really believes that. He's going to keep trying to get the Republicans to compromise. He's going to keep talking to the Republicans even as they work to undermine him at every turn. He's not going to roll over but will give up some things to try to move the process forward. And I think he thinks that the politics of being seen as reasonable plays well (he's got great approval ratings considering how broken the government is, the catastrophic levels of unemployment, the burst housing bubble, etc., etc. - things that would put any other president in the 20s or lower). I don't know if he'll reach a breaking point where he'll finally say, "Look, I've tried for years to work with you guys. The gloves are coming off now..." I honestly doubt it, based on what I've read thus far in "A Singular Woman" by Janny Scott. FWIW. :-) Hang in there. Cheers, Scott. |
"Look, I've tried for years to work with you guys. The gloves are coming off now..."isnt this the same guy who said the republicans had to ride in the back of the bus? evens, its a bitch isnt it? Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
We are all impatient for closure with the inane troglodytes
Likely I'll read this one, too; have read excerpts.
I can empathize with the separation (B. in Hawaii, she in Indonesia) as one--also 'away' in school at a similar age--who is aware of the advantages of such separation -vs- any imagined 'pining' for some Beaver Cleaver soap-opera version of life. I think I was never attracted to homogenization, can merely suppose that Obama's experience might have produced a few similarities in experience. (It was his mother "who could not bear the separation longer" / the strain of her son's growing up without her.) The quality of time spent with a parent is different when the exposure is not constant, expected and--inevitably--taken for granted: thus likely also to spawn a rote relationship, maybe even a shallow(er) one. But I digress. Yeah, it's easy to diss B.O. From the outside, there appear to be so many missed opportunities! to Take A Stand LoudlyÂ--and that's always so satisfying, emotionally. Even when/especially when the outcome is seen to be inexorable and the High Stand betrays a naivete about where real Power resides in the matter(s). Having changed nothing, one has merely shown self to yield to impetuous anger. I cannot doubt that Obama is possessed of the self-knowledge and the essential wider social knowledge which underlies his patience in the face of bald-faced opposition, sometimes of ludicrous dimension and now so Often! towards inane or even malevolent aims. Murican politicos are such gutless, unprincipled and feckless cowards, ever driven by groupthink: as compared with the historical figures we foolishly imagine they might measure-up-to. Obama would need be only moderately courageous to trump most of these harpies, as, I hope he will--at the appropriate/crucial? moment(s). He hasn't been assassinated. Yet. But to the bystander that patience seems like ambivalence or weakness, especially when we are wishing mightily for a verbal smackdown which reflects our own disgust with the hypocrisies and sanctimonies of many (most?) Pols who ever make it through the inane Murican gantlet--that fantasy which demands fairytale claims of personal Wonderfulness. So I'll trust my own perceptions of his character over any easy snarks by the chattering class--unless/until he should commit some overt acts of say, the abject psychotic-grade of Tricky Dick? the mindless fantasy-stuff of Ronnie? or anything approaching the malevolent agenda of the Cheney Shogunate bedfellows.. still (like My Gramma) haunting the planet as-if they were not the zombies seen, but authentically alive. I don't see Anyone out there--lusting after The Power, cobbling up bloviations, plotting ploys--whose intelligence, character, integrity are within an order-of-magnitude of Barack Obama's chops: this despite my own impatience at his failure to display -yet??-Ever?- some crucial Leadership at some perfectly-timed tipping-point (yet to arrive?) There will always be such doubts--or one is merely adoring some fantasy-person and in this.. violating the Prime Directive  Blessed are those who expect Nothing, for never shall they be Disappointed. Fingers may be cramped when crossed for lengthy periods  ... |
:-) Well said. Here's an excerpt from "A Singular Woman"
The white woman and her half-African son made quite a pair traveling in Indonesia together. Elizabeth Bryant, an American who lived in the city of Yogyakarta at the time, remembers a lunch held at another expatriateÂs house that Ann and Barry attended. Ann arrived in a long skirt made of Indonesian fabric  not, Bryant noticed, a look that other American women in Indonesia seemed to favor. Ann instructed Barry to shake hands, then to sit on the sofa and turn his attention to an English-language workbook she brought along. Ann, who had been in Indonesia for nearly four years, talked about whether to go back to Hawaii. ÂShe said, ÂWhat would you do?  Bryant recalled when I spoke to her nearly 40 years later. ÂI said, ÂI could live here as long as two years, then would go back to Hawaii. She said, ÂWhy? I said it was hard living, it took a toll on your body, there were no doctors, it was not healthy. She didnÂt agree with me. The man isn't weak. It reminds me of a quip from a prof in my department in graduate school. He said, talking about departmental politics, something like, "After you've been a B-52 pilot and survived having SAMs thrown at you, you learn not to take these things so seriously." Cheers, Scott. |
I have said before
he must be tough to have lived his younger years without dying, being in jail or addicted. His toughness is not in our favor except as a blow by of the interests that he services.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
Since you (also) are not an idiot
I must presume that you realize too, that: were Obama to adopt Your style of 'dialectic'
--extreme distillation of a kernel you dare us to extract, much in the manner of *nix MAN ls, then --Yes! he'd score lots of zingers, appeal to the few minimalists amongst the vox populi ... and earn a big FAIL in communication with the remaining not-actually-Nutzo citizen-minority of the traditionally non-voting vox populi. There's tactics and there's strategy; ... observe how BO waited his chance, then skewered the birthers (and the silliness of a Trump candidacy) in pure prescient fashion. Ergo: the man possesses a strategic (not just a Good-) mind. Etc. You think he is Pwned, lock, stock and $gun-barrel, by the national Greed-heads. (One Can go there, as with Every Single predecessor who ever pandered to the 0.1%, either momentarily or consistently.) But I submit that such a charge violates Occam and his straight-razor. Were BO a mere dupe/dilettante, also verily a Hypocrite throughout: then his character has been so skillfully acted-out ... [Sincerity, when you can fake that, you've got it Made--in Murica] that millions of thoughtful/skeptical people (but not You!) have been utterly faked-out and left with no hope that Anyone-at-all is possessed of simple/rare integrity, such is the USSR-of-A by 2011. But What-of Obama? I will deal with my frustrations that, often he acts in a manner not-My-way; I can live with this for realizing that, not only is he lots smarter than I, he also is equipped with the knowledge learned through experience, of how the Demagogue plays the *words game, where their Achilles Heels are located and (I may only hope, on this last): that he probably possesses a keen sense of, WHEN to skewer: at a real Inflection Point, some long-running idiot-koan of the mouth-breathing Class. * I suspect that, has he never encountered? Chase's The Tyranny of Words--written to help instruct his own children--that BO most likely could have written that manual; as-likely, also teaches his children that Key to recognizing blab-words© like ... Freedom, Truth, TheMuricanPeepul ad nauseum and the rest of the vocabulary of shallow-Pols everywhere. Prediction: should he, via whatever compound-scurrility next transpires, become a one-term Prez? Then the USSR-of-A shall cease to exist in recognizable form--in maybe a matter of months, certainly of, ..a few years after the ascension of a one of guaranteed-Lesser mind, heart and instinctual clarity. [It may expire anyway, so dire is the threat of unified Greedhead$, seeking to cash-in, split and gloat.] The forces against-Clarity are staggering and funded in the $T, as all along, since Ronnie made Greed patriotic and tax-free forever. Dismantling shall proceed apace, as Promised. (I'd bet you a grand on this proposition, except: I would be paid-off in the equivalent of Weimar Republic Million-DMark notes) :-/ If Swift-boating works again, the USSC gets to 'decide' Anything re next sElection? that will constitute proof (to me) that anything short of revolution shall fail to reform and reverse the [-] slope we have been on since '68. And soft-Muricans have no stomach for fighting, except flaccidly to send their offspring offshore, to such mentors as the Cheney Shogunate.. because they'd love to have a beer with a folksy tongue-tied Texan who swaggers. No barricades in streets. I'd rescue any cat before I'd try to 'rescue' This Murica from its own suicidal myths, thankyouverymuch. (I felt similarly during the McCarthy assaults.. so I've had in-trenches Practice with our dysfunctionality all my life.) Yours is an experience here of quite lesser duration. Dueling mindsets, eh? Carrion |
Re: I understand the frustration, but he's not king.
He doesn't have the votes to do more. That's the bottom line. The thing is, he originally HAD the votes if he was any kind of a leader. I think he pushed for, and got, exactly the policies that he wanted. He went out of his way to torpedo anything better; it was all off the table from the start. Until the voters in House and Senate races stop sending totally intransigent people to DC, nothing more progressive is going to get done. The only people allowed in the races are those chosen for their obedience to the cause (of the very rich.) We have a one party system now, the keptocrat party, with an overt wing that call themselves republicans and a covert wing that call themselves democrats. No one else need apply. They won't be seen. I used to think this was a cynical view. Now it's the kindest way I can think of the system. Pity that... |
I really don't think he did have the votes.
E.g. on the Public Option, there were some favorable noises by some who eventually voted against it, but I don't think he ever really did have the 60+ needed for it. The actual votes show us that he didn't.
We don't need to go through the history again (e.g. Franken being kept out for months, Kennedy dying, Coakley's loss, etc.). I think the fact that what has passed has generally been close to what he has proposed isn't a reflection of his power ("see, he could have gotten more if he asked for it!" - as said by some), but more a reflection of his team understanding the positions of the people in the houses before making the proposals public. If it were just a matter of him asking and making the case, then Guantanamo would be closed, KSM would be on trial in NYC, he'd have a full complement of people on the Fed, Warren would be running the CFPB, etc. Those who want to obstruct him are using every tool they can. He doesn't have bribes and punishments and favors to shower down upon them the way LBJ did; all he has is persuasion and he's done pretty well with that so far. FWIW. Time will tell who's closer to being right. ;-) Cheers, Scott. |
> ...more draconian stripping of americans rights than bush
Not more. Just more permanent. But then, you consider the Affordable Healthcare Act and by damn, maybe it is just "more." |