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New Infrastructure.
There's been a major power outage in the capital of the most powerful country on Earth for a couple of days now...


Our Infrastructure Deficit: This Time, It’s Personal

For the second day in a row, there is no power in the building which houses my employer, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (the CBPP website is still up, though). Apparently, a number of buildings in that part of town are out. PEPCO, our local utility, says we’ll be back on at noon today, but we’ll see.

OK, so let’s get this straight. We’ve got major infrastructure deficits in this country, including an electricity grid that’s demonstrably unreliable. I get that systems come down, but a city block…for two days! That’s a little scary.

And my situation is, of course, a microcosm of a larger, known problem. Check out the 2009 Report Card from the American Society of Civil Engineers:

Aviation D

Bridges C

Dams D

Drinking Water D-

Energy D+

Hazardous Waste D

Inland Waterways D-

Levees D-

Public Parks and Recreation C-

Rail C-

Roads D-

Schools D

Solid Waste C+

Transit D

Wastewater D-

America’s Infrastructure GPA: D
Estimated 5 Year Investment Need: $2.2 Trillion

Source: ASCE

There’s the demand. Where’s the supply? Um…how about 20+ million un- or underemployed, including construction workers, whose unemployment rate is about 18%.

I know…show me the money. These are public goods, and thus private industry will underinvest in them. Now, I know we’re in the midst of spending-cut frenzy, but infrastructure investment—that’s “investment” as in: do this right and it boosts the economy’s productive capacity—has historically been one area where partisans agree.

In that regard, it was unfortunate to read Rep Eric Cantor in this AM’s paper get this wrong: “The president talked about a need for us to continue to quote-unquote invest from Washington’s standpoint, and for a lot of us that’s code for more Washington spending, something that we can’t afford right now.”

No, sir—with respect, that is not secret code. The President is right, and to ignore needed public investments based on anti-spending ideology is to create an infrastructure deficit much more worrisome and damaging to the long-term economic well-being of this nation than the federal budget deficit.

But he said mean things about my plan!!!!!!111


New because gay bumblebee dancers in NC needed the money more
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New Sorry, he is still right
"investing" is Wash code speak for spending more money. The problem, as I've pointed out about a half a million times here...is that when Washington spends...it spends on exactly the wrong things.

Infrastructure investment is not there (in any significant percentage of the total).
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
New Yeah and its only a bit
more than we spent on the Banking Bailout.

Billions... the new Millions
Trillions... the new Billions

What ever.
New So the answer
is to throw a hissy fit over any spending at all and guarantee that there is no political advantage to spending right.

St. Ronnie (hasn't quite been deified yet, working on it) says the government can't possibly do anything right, so there is no reason to try.
I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band.
(Tori Amos)
New Better: emulate the Cheney Shogunate and demonstrate
that a government of inept appointees IS inept. But SHHH.. [don't Notice the stacked deck.]
     Infrastructure. - (Another Scott) - (5)
         because gay bumblebee dancers in NC needed the money more -NT - (boxley)
         Sorry, he is still right - (beepster) - (3)
             Yeah and its only a bit - (folkert)
             So the answer - (mhuber) - (1)
                 Better: emulate the Cheney Shogunate and demonstrate - (Ashton)

Given sufficient thrust, even pigs can fly. You just don't want to be around when they come back down.
38 ms