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New Great question from the kid
The 10-year-old was playing a little electronic 20 Questions game. (Which is freakishly accurate, by the way.) The word she chose was "microphone". Question the game asked was, "Does it make a sound?"

She asked me. I'm stumped.

And speaking of interesting questions, this one came up last night. If you have the air conditioner on, and you want it to be cooler, are you turning the A/C up or down?

New 1) No. 2) Either is Ok - colloquialism.
New Actually...
Microphone are just very sensitive speakers that reverse the function creating a signal instead of reproducing it.

If you were to apply a music program to the microphone and you didn't blow it up... it would reproduce the music from the voice coil. Though *VERY* ineffectively.

Speaker and Microphones are damn near identical in design, except for the amount of noise they make or record. Either Microphones and Speakers are just voice-coils differing in size and sensitivity.

Now conversely, you could take a speaker and use it as a Microphone, but it would be *WOEFULLY* in effective, smaller ones are better, but you'd still have to *YELL* at the top of your lungs to get any signal down the line.
New Yeahbut, *anything* that moves "makes a sound". ;-)
New Even in orbit...?
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New Sure.
A body in motion will compress the fluid in front of it, changing its density and generating noise. There is no perfect vacuum, so the same effect happens there.

It's just very^googol weak in space. ;-)

New He's right, they are really the same thing
just optimized differently.

But then, I guess you could also say they are really just electric motors / generators (another pair of items that are the same thing optimized differently) that don't spin.

But speakers/microphones are REALLY the same, and motors/generators are so much the same that you can easily test the fact that they are. When I was a little kid, Grandpa had me put a meter on the input leads to a little electric motor and spin the shaft. Sure enough, AC current. I miss the guy. He's been a blue ghost sitting behind me for decades, giving me a hint or encouragement when I needed it, but that's not the same.
I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band.
(Tori Amos)
New Yup. 'Tis true.
     Great question from the kid - (drook) - (7)
         1) No. 2) Either is Ok - colloquialism. -NT - (Another Scott)
         Actually... - (folkert) - (5)
             Yeahbut, *anything* that moves "makes a sound". ;-) -NT - (Another Scott) - (4)
                 Even in orbit...? -NT - (malraux) - (1)
                     Sure. - (Another Scott)
                 He's right, they are really the same thing - (mhuber) - (1)
                     Yup. 'Tis true. -NT - (Another Scott)

But at least you can make it swallow the code.
50 ms