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New Glade makes one
My cats (well, I'm pretty sure just one of them) uses my bathtub as an annex to the cat box.

So I was trying to rig up something like the item in the video, but I'm kind of cheap so I got a Glade air freshener to take apart for the motion sensor. And I realized that the air freshener makes a hissing sound like an angry cat. Better yet, the servo motor growls first, and then you get a hiss. I just put the unit in the tub as-is.

Not really dramatic, and it relies on changes in light so I have to leave the bathroom light on, but it works.
I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band.
(Tori Amos)
New Wonder how long until the cat learns

New That reminds me.
I made a sensor light on a cord to help keep the cats out of the Christmas tree one year. It was inspired by a story from Adminiscott, actually, and in the end it was an IR sensor on a box, properly wired up (!) to a plug and a socket. I've still got it somewhere

We only used it once and it was partially effective. I'd plugged a radio into it, which was almost more interesting than whatever TV we were trying to watch. :-/


Q:Is it proper to eat cheeseburgers with your fingers?
A:No, the fingers should be eaten separately.
New We only had to use it a few years
Then the cats developed a Righteous Fear of Christmas trees.

Of course, I was using a shop vac and not something so weak and humane as a radio...
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New 'Driveway Patrol'
is a wireless beeper with remote sensor, (range maybe even 600'.)
Dirt cheap on Amazon -- $15ish at time I + neighbor bought a couple sets.
I needed to monitor In/Out to garage re. Outdoor Cat, Petra and especially.. ^%#@%$@^$! raccoons!
enroute to check if any food is left over.

(And yess, after being busted/rousted maybe 10X-in-a-row ... raccoons Can Learn to fuck off!)
It helps to toss a few small rocks at them as they waddle away, to emphasize that it is Not a game for their amusement.
These are nasty creatures, known/seen to mutilate chickens wholesale, even through fence wire -- for no reason associated with food / just Repo-grade blood lust.

Reliable, decent battery life: 3 C-cells in base monitor + a 9V in sensor/xmitter ... lasted many months. (9V must have been drawing only μamps in wait-mode.)
False alarms arise only if foliage is in scan field + wind-motion or.. early morning sun direct (you make a toilet paper tube collimator for more directionality.)
All-in-all, I thought these a bargain which did exactly as claimed. A lot of well-designed techno for a pittance.

As to bathtub matter: 2 loudnesses of monitor alarm means that, with receiver in tub with sensor -- cat would exit in-haste, I wot.
Lots of other applications come to mind, not least of which -- as it is IR and invisible with easy camouflage of sensor
-- prowler confirmation, cheaper than CCTV if not quite as amusing or evidence-creating.

Bon appetit

Ed: 3 C-cells, not 4.
Expand Edited by Ashton May 7, 2011, 04:00:50 PM EDT
New Yes, raccoons very much enjoy killing . . .
. . even much more than cats do.
New And cats like it A LOT

     Business venture? - (folkert) - (11)
         I saw that on facebook... - (S1mon_Jester)
         Love. It. - (Ashton)
         :-) -NT - (Another Scott)
         He has a sense of theatre. - (static)
         Glade makes one - (mhuber) - (6)
             Wonder how long until the cat learns -NT - (drook)
             That reminds me. - (static) - (1)
                 We only had to use it a few years - (malraux)
             'Driveway Patrol' - (Ashton) - (2)
                 Yes, raccoons very much enjoy killing . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
                     And cats like it A LOT -NT - (drook)

And so on, and so forth.
46 ms