Post #34,178
4/2/02 2:20:24 PM
Re: Arafat, a common criminal
It would help to have a more credible source than IDF - the guys that are shooting and killing foreign correspondents. Don't want others to see and record what they are doing, I imagine.
Arafat is like God, if he didn't exist, the Israeli would invent him. Kill the bastard all ready, please! Other than one less Arab to kill, it will make zero difference.
"Never express yourself more clearly than you think." -- Neils Bohr (1885-1962)
Post #34,180
4/2/02 2:37:06 PM
of course if he had American Dollar Plates
I wonder if he would be extraditable here? Is the head of a street gang, oops head of State culpable? You think the stuff was planted? in case you think everyone backs Sharon have you read this? [link||refuseniks] There is no master plan, just one arab hardass being rousted by one israeli hardass. Arafat has no intention of stopping violence and sharon wants him out of the area because of lebanon. After arafat goes, sharon will lose the government. Just a matter of time. thanx, bill
Post #34,183
4/2/02 2:45:10 PM
The refuseniks hold the hope for an Israel at peace!
"Never express yourself more clearly than you think." -- Neils Bohr (1885-1962)
Post #34,186
4/2/02 2:55:42 PM
So do many others myself included
the settlements(most) must be left to choose palestinian citizenship or move back to Israel. The rights of the people in the disputed areas can only be governed by themselves as the rest of the arab world has consistantly turned their backs on them. The need statesmen, not fighters. At the same time any squirrel who wishes to continue attacks after a pullback and declared border is fair game for assassination. If someone calls to attack israel they must be willing to pay the price. thanx, bill
Post #34,188
4/2/02 2:59:49 PM
No disagreement from me on what you say!
"Never express yourself more clearly than you think." -- Neils Bohr (1885-1962)
Post #34,245
4/3/02 6:34:35 AM
> ... If someone calls to attack israel they must be willing to pay the price. It rather looks that's what Sharon is trying to tell the Palestinians.
It also occurs to me that demanding Arafat to do more to stop the terrorists whilst barricading him in Ramallah could well be designed to show him how difficult a position the Palestinian peace demands put Israel in (i.e. between a very large rock and an extremely hard place).
"All around me are nothing but fakes Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"
Post #34,223
4/2/02 9:58:38 PM
Hell, someone pays me, I'll keep him in my basement.
mmm. perhaps the neighborhood wouldn't like the appearance of many dark-glassed MIB-like types watching my house.
"I didn't know you could drive to Europe." -- An eavesdropper, piping in when he overheard a conversation about someone who had driven to Montreal.
Post #34,230
4/2/02 11:15:53 PM
Offer him a job?
The burnous (the flap of cloth over the head) and djelaba (the rope that holds it) were originally designed for the same reason as a cowboy hat -- to keep the brutal sun off the head and back of the neck.
Maybe we should offer him a job punching cattle in, say, southwestern New Mexico. Ride 'em, Yasser!
Regards, Ric
Post #34,809
4/9/02 1:11:41 AM
no shadow
>> The burnous (the flap of cloth over the head) and djelaba (the rope that holds it) were originally designed for the same reason as a cowboy hat -- to keep the brutal sun off the head and back of the neck.<<
None of the current arab designs seem to protect the front face, and especially the nose from sun.
Do they have a high shnoz cancer rate there?