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New Not one thing, three things
Adams had a post years ago where he said that anyone, if they put their mind to it, can become among the top 20% in the world at something. If you can become the top 20% at two things that complement each other, that's a good recipe for success.

As for himself, he figures he's a pretty good cartoonist, he's pretty funny, and he understands business pretty well. Put the three together and he's rich.

New But...
that doesn't mean that anyone should take his advice on anything but cartoons.

IOW, not very interested in whether or not he's his own biggest fan online...any more than I'm interested in Kanye's opinion of the federal government...or Axl Rose's opinion of <insert current/historical event here>.

About the only deviation from this would be Bono, who has earned his credentials on support for Africa...and there are a few others here and there.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
     PZ on Scott Adams sockpuppetry. - (Another Scott) - (6)
         Wow - (drook)
         Adams is an interesting fellow - (jay) - (3)
             Not one thing, three things - (drook) - (1)
                 But... - (beepster)
             Easy enough - (crazy)
         Salon chimes in.. - (Ashton)

Thank GOD you finished that sentence.
98 ms