I haven't said anything for a couple of days because I needed to figure out the rationalization ... excuse me, the reason for my contradictory opinions.
On the one hand, I thought the editorial cartoon was fair game, and I was pissed off at Cartoon Network for censoring the South Park episode based on it.
On the other hand, I thought this book burning was pointlessly inflammatory.
This morning I reconciled the two thoughts: Intent matters.
The original cartoon was intended to point out that Islam was being used as a shield by terrorists. By not speaking out against those actions, the silent majority of Muslims were allowing their faith to be co-opted for violent purposes. This was the same thing that happened when white southern churches didn't speak out against the KKK when they claimed Christian symbols for what they did.
The South Park episode bothered me because they skewer everyone's sacred cows. Their Catholic Church episode was as insightful as it was calculatedly offensive. To not allow the image of Mohammed -- and they went out of their way to say nothing at all about Mohammed or Islam -- was giving special treatment.
The guy in Florida, however, had no point other than to piss people off. But let's assume for the sake of argument that he was making the argument you guys are, that regardless of the provocation the reaction was out of proportion and that should be the real story.
Suppose a group of swarthy men staged a bible burning in Alabama. Do you honestly believe the locals would stand by and respectfully defend their right to their opinion? Or do you think "them damn dirty Ay-rabs" would end up in the hospital or worse?