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New Same site: interesting er, colloquy re. US Bases
..within which comments are the usual Tea-Party-grade knee-jerk fulminations /
except, civilly parried by some more thoughtful observations (Dope-smokin Deutsche-hippies get a mention too.)

And so it goes..

Duh: add link
Collapse Edited by Ashton April 2, 2011, 05:06:27 PM EDT
Same site: interesting er, colloquy re. US Bases
..within which comments are the usual Tea-Party-grade knee-jerk fulminations / except, civilly parried by some more thoughtful observations (Dope-smokin Deutsche-hippies get a mention too.)

And so it goes..
     under today's wtf column - (boxley) - (5)
         Guess that's the new state of the art - (drook)
         I don't think it even works - (mhuber) - (2)
             Breath-wise, you're right - (drook) - (1)
                 Other biology - (mhuber)
         Same site: interesting er, colloquy re. US Bases - (Ashton)

Didja ever take and try to give an iron-clad leave to yourself from a three-rail billiard shot?
38 ms