Post #341,160
4/1/11 11:43:16 AM

No need to wonder.
Post #341,168
4/1/11 4:25:01 PM

And the comments seem to get it right
If I have the largest retailer on the planet telling me that prices are going to go up...
I'm inclined to think that Paul is trying to spin control for the administration...which he has been known to do.
Time will tell.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #341,169
4/1/11 4:39:26 PM

Difference between "saying" and "believing"
There are two possible reasons for the CEO of Walmart to say there will be inflation:
1. He believes it.
2. He believes it's in his (or his company's) best interests that other people believe it.
Though these are not mutually exclusive, just because #2 is true doesn't necessarily mean that #1 is true.
Post #341,173
4/1/11 10:00:29 PM

he doesn't make the stuff selling for the same price in smaller packages..he just has to explain why it costs more...
but I can see how it makes a wonderful conspiracy theory.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #341,181
4/2/11 3:05:06 AM

Nice try
I never suggested a conspiracy. What I said was that when someone's got a financial incentive to prefer one story over another, it's naive to assume they're telling the truth.
Post #341,202
4/2/11 11:10:44 AM

In the context of that story
you are basically stating that the CEO of WalMart is lying because his company will make more profit.
he was interviewed by a paper, who also had OTHER people quoted saying the same thing...(who must also be lying)...all to make Walmart more money...and you are telling me that that is not a conspiracy theory?
but your semantics are are really just saying that >I< shouldn't believe him (because it is likely that this is a conspiracy theory to make walmart more money).
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #341,204
4/2/11 11:28:33 AM

I see two people quoted
1. Wal-Mart U.S. CEO Bill Simon
2. John Long, a retail strategist at Kurt Salmon
One of them runs Wal-Mart, the other one gets paid by the industry Wal-Mart leads. Which means their interests are aligned.
They don't need to conspire to know they benefit from the same perception.
Post #341,205
4/2/11 11:34:55 AM

Re: I see two people quoted
And USA Today? Just looking for a story? What's their angle? No counter claims? So they must be reporting to support the lie.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.
Post #341,206
4/2/11 11:39:15 AM

I'm taking the dog and kids to the park, enjoy your Saturday
Post #341,207
4/2/11 11:54:50 AM

:-) We're chilling in the too.
Sure, understanding today's complex world of the future is a little like having bees live in your head. But...there they are.