-- depending..
The single stupidest right-wing reaction to the Libya campaign
All the reasons why Libya stuff == Right/Wrong
-- depending..
The single stupidest right-wing reaction to the Libya campaign BY ALEX PAREENE http://www.salon.com...emium%29_7_30_110 |
This has happend quite a bit with Obama
The right wing has ended up in this like/dislike morass several times under Obama when he has done something Republicans favor but want to hate because it's Obama doing it.
It's somewhat amusing because it demonstrates just how partisan the right wing really is. Some of these people will argue one week we should be doing X and then argue that X is terrible next week, simply because Obama did X. Of course, the same thing is happening on the left. The intervention in Libya is something the left would hate if Bush had done it, but right now there is a big chunk that support it only because it's Obama. Jay |