Lewis' summary sentence, The prospect of any trouble at these reactors now seems remote. -- betrays his general incompetence to evaluate anything in this field.
And his reliance on PEPCO briefs indicates absence of a healthy skepticism of the company's press releases [for culture-based reasons] -- as has been pointed out in many more competent essays.
Details Matter, each one -- like (as you mentioned earlier) ... the near-term results of all that sea water and its known debilitating effects on strength of steel/alloys of various kind
PLUS the thermal insulating properties of the brine salts themselves! being deposited: exactly what you Don't want to have to deal with,
given the decay curves of ALL those individual fuel rods, in-core or in-pools.
Yeah, they might dodge this howitzer shell despite all those Damocles' swords, but it Ain't Over in the foreseeable,
nor will there be a decent understanding of each reactor's denouement for years, if ever.
(Better not take 4 years, in 2011, to get a fiber optic camera in there!)
(And as somewhere else I read.. wtf Are?? the Rad-resistant Robots! given Japan's obsession with such things.)
First robot would be modeled on a bulldozer, to clear a path for the specialized models. Etc.
Sheesh ... ain't smug complacency A Bitch?