As usual, a bit of a fubar in that the ordinate(y) axis seems to be indicated at right, implicitly also for some of the reference 'levels'
-- but it's labelled 'millisieverts/hr' re. levels around the plant -- and the scripted refs refer to a dosage, NOT a rate. Correct via brain.
As to the new zoo of furrin RAD equivalents, Grays, Sieverts -- all made clear at:
Brief but al punte: explains RAD, REM, Gray and Sievert.
And if it gets to a 'core dump' (no not IT) ... ... the unit will be the Curie, actually mega-that, in worst case.
One Curie is 3.7 x 10 [E10] disintegrations/sec. That's ~ the disintegrations/sec for one Gram of Ra-226.
All you need to remember is that 1 Sievert == 100 REM aka 'Röntgen Equivalent Man'
-- which fiddles the difference between an air irradiated enviro and human meat's response to various particles or wavicles at their emitted energy. Nothing is really simple..
Hope there's some *boron* in those helicopter water drops ... ...