Yep, not in English ;-). The Live link has a minute by minute update log. The chunks are small enough for Google Translate.
One more
Yep, not in English ;-). The Live link has a minute by minute update log. The chunks are small enough for Google Translate. |
Reuters has something similar.
I find it too distracting when there are lots of updates, but I appreciate that they're doing it. Cheers, Scott. |
Some radiation levels.. and unit comparisons
As usual, a bit of a fubar in that the ordinate(y) axis seems to be indicated at right, implicitly also for some of the reference 'levels' -- but it's labelled 'millisieverts/hr' re. levels around the plant -- and the scripted refs refer to a dosage, NOT a rate. Correct via brain. As to the new zoo of furrin RAD equivalents, Grays, Sieverts -- all made clear at: http://www.stevequay...d.conversion.html Brief but al punte: explains RAD, REM, Gray and Sievert. And if it gets to a 'core dump' (no not IT) ... ... the unit will be the Curie, actually mega-that, in worst case. One Curie is 3.7 x 10 [E10] disintegrations/sec. That's ~ the disintegrations/sec for one Gram of Ra-226. All you need to remember is that 1 Sievert == 100 REM aka 'Röntgen Equivalent Man' -- which fiddles the difference between an air irradiated enviro and human meat's response to various particles or wavicles at their emitted energy. Nothing is really simple.. Hope there's some *boron* in those helicopter water drops ... ... |
The MIT NSE site has some good info, too.
It was off-line much of yesterday, but seems back up today. (It also has that NYTimes graph.) Some are saying (can't recall where) that the seawater drops, even if they're helping now (which isn't at all clear to me), eventually are going to stop working due to salt coating the fuel rods (hampering the cooling)... :-( Cheers, Scott. |
If still not suffering from tmi? Oildrum limns mondo links
with his selected comments But recent news of DRY! pools (or even just ONE == Adjacent Houses of Cards) ... words fail :-/// |