That requires that I cut him some slack ... (that's enough -->| no more slack.)

[Dons Psycho-kinesiologist cloak, with Mortarboard topper]
Seems a predictable phenom; when a country has -provably- the largest escape-drug habit since the first coca leaf got chewed
[Sufficient habit that the suppliers, in Full-Greed-frenzy are annihilating thousands to get More $$, just South of US]
-- we see that Escape from New York was a historical novel: more and more Want Out of Disneyland™ (just after, maybe .. Out of The Office, first?)

And when most any exit is seen to be fraught with dislocation / starting-over in some furrin enviro / naturally thoughts turn to Real Escape
[it used to be: Real Estate, remember?]
-- with fuzzy orlon-fur kewpies all around, and visions of Crazy Aunt Martha, alive a nut job -- now, a wunderkind.

Fairy tales can come true..
It can happen to you, if you're young-at-heart..

cha cha cha

Weltschmertz ... it's a Bitch, ainnit?