25 years ago I coded an inhouse system that replaced an out of house system.
30 people (all women) used this system, day in and out, for years.
They liked it. They did not like change, at least most of them.
My system was identical, but local, not over leased lines, and coded 100% by me (in XENIX/Oracle/C). The old system was vendor coded in Pick/BASIC. Yes, I recoded most of of the getlist syntax. Shudder.
All the screens were the same.
All the commands (it had it's own command language) worked.
And that was a problem. At least to me. Because that system had bugs. The docs said one thing, it did another. But if I fixed them, it would reduce the acceptance of my system. So I coded the bugs in. It was bug for bug compliant.
They go home on Friday, I work the weekend, they come back in, and they continue working. At 10-100 times the speed.
Most liked. A few really hated it. They lost some down time.
Then the month end happened. It used to take a week. The whole office would be paid for scut-work. No access to the systems during that time.
Mine ran over the weekend. They lost a week off. More started grumbling. Then I started fixing the bugs that I put in on purpose. All of a sudden the system behaved differently. They were not amused. But I wandered around, held their hands, and showed them the new way.
Most were accepting, but there were still some serious holdouts.
So what do you think we do with the holdouts?
Reorg. Poof. Job was gone.
So that project probably quadrupled the office productivity (yeah, I saw the bosses claims on it years later, on his resume, wow) while cutting the workforce by 10%.
And it was only the beginning of my path of destruction against the general working class.
I'm a prick (or so it seems).