Core Duo PC, 2GB of memory.
New toy: 40GB SSD for boot, OS, and critical app data.
Desire: Ubuntu 10.10 desktop->Some VM (using Oracle Virtual Box so far, love/hate it)->Win (something, don't really care, was XP but I'll take Win7 if I can)->Running my critical app with 2GB of data on SSD.
And I installed Ubuntu at least 10 times as well.
Sigh. 40GB is not enough, but it was $99, ie: high tech impulse buy. 80GB is $199, ie: nope, not paying for it. Yet. I should have bought it.
So anyway, to start off with, SSD is simply incredibly fast. 4 times the throughput of my fastest drive, and 100 time better access time (essentially NONE), so multiple competing applications are limited by the channel. IE: No limitation! I can add channels.
Total winner. I can see creating an "array" of 4 of these.
So installing and reinstalling was not that painful. I'm not done yet.
Win7 seems to run fine in Virtual box, but I get a CRC error while reading data during an application install. The data is good. Really. I used the same DVD on the same drive after installing a native Win7 partition on the SSD. I then installed the app, and it works. 10 times faster than the best previous run.
I then installed ubuntu for dual boot. I then installed a new Win7 environment, and installed VirtualBox, and then the app, again, and then the data, and it failed. Again.
I've done it via DDed iso images as well. Same failure.
Well, I still have multiple ways of getting it in there, I'm not done, but I'm not finished either.
So anyway, SSD - YAY! Go get one, it will change your life.