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New I mustn't gloat
Twenty-five years ago at this time my marriage, at that point about 9.25 years old, was rapidly eroding beneath my feet. I had no idea. On the contrary, it seemed to me as though after a couple of turbulent years we had finally reached firm ground again. The warning signs stand out quite starkly in hindsight, but my radar simply did not register these at the time.

She ran off later in the year with a young man who is presently "Director of [redacted]” at Apple. As I became aware of the liaison that spring I fatally did not take it seriously: this guy was five years old, for fuck’s sake, the first time I chatted up my future sweetheart and ex-wife at a high school dance late in 1968. Geez!

The guy who got her; her: http://homepage.mac....ris_and_helen.jpg

Her fortunes skyrocketed after she left home. For as long as we lived with one another, her annual income was about three quarters of mine. Her first year on her own, as a tech writer, she doubled my figure.

In the event, she ended up living with her abductor for longer than she did with me. She and I last saw one another in Oakland at the beginning of 1992 (she was briefly visiting California for the first time since her relocation to Munich in 1988), and the exchange, while fraught, was largely cordial. I learned by chance that she’d returned to live stateside in 1996, and made a shrewd guess as to a telephone number at which she might be reached. The conversation was a brief one, hostile and unreceptive on her side, with no clue as to what might have changed in the four years since our last contact.

She split up with the kid at the end of that decade, and her internet trail went abruptly very, very cold. I have attempted over the years to track her down—not because I imagine that we will have a magical reconciliation and reunion, but because I think there are issues remaining between us that could benefit from an airing out. Poetic justice: Now I’m the one who wants to talk about relationships. Go figure.

She has detected a couple of my probes over the years, and has likely construed these as “stalking.” I am accordingly more discreet (because it does, I suppose, partake a bit of stalking) these latter months.

Nevertheless, my viper tongue flickers forth, and she has briefly uncloaked for long enough for me to establish a physical address. Sweet Jesus, it’s an RV park. Well, for as long as I’ve known her (beginning in September 1968) she always said that she wanted to live in the woods. But this?


I’m bad. I’d rather learn that her post-Rand fate was this than that she was presently drawing alimony from Larry Ellison and living on a vast estate in Woodside. But I also remember that I adored her obsessively from the time I was sixteen until that love flickered out in my forties, and would not wish upon her a precarious life in a Winnebago.

New Hey, there's a pool!

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 Historical Review of Pennsylvania
New Damn, beat me to it
Gotta ask though. As I was zooming out to see where that was, I noticed something:
Sierra Azul Regional Open Space

Regional Open Space?!?! Double-yew. Tee. Eff.

Is that a state park named by committee for fuck's sake?

New Mine also is in a tornado-magnet
And I wish her well.

The occasional encounter is completely unpredictable.

I avoid her. There are things that probably ought to be worked out between us, but they never will be. There will be no closure, no neat wrapping up of loose ends. Not only will this story not have a happy ending, it won't have any real ending at all. I've learned that no good can come from our meeting up. The best encounters cause the most pain, because they remind me of what ought to have been.

Divorce sucks. But not as much as a bad marriage.
I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band.
(Tori Amos)
New but you must gloat
whatever issues you may have had should be dust washed down by a cold cervesa. She is where she wants and planned to be. If she isnt, its on her and not you.
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New Re: but you must gloat
Always look on the bright side.

If you're poor and miserable, money can almost certainly make things better, at least in the short term.

If you're rich and miserable, you're fucked.
New I really would rather...
know that the estranged ex was on sounder financial footing. Selfishly because there's a provision in California law that could conceivably permit the state to come after me should she happen to become a burden upon the public treasury; selflessly because I do not wish her ill. This emotional spectrum grades back into selfishness as it progresses, because again I resentfully after all these years do not wish indecent prosperity upon her.

New Re: I really would rather...
All altruism is selfishness, in the end.

No shame in that.
New Ah, the ex has a potential affect on pension
yes, that would concern me as well
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
     I mustn't gloat - (rcareaga) - (8)
         Hey, there's a pool! -NT - (mvitale) - (1)
             Damn, beat me to it - (drook)
         Mine also is in a tornado-magnet - (mhuber)
         but you must gloat - (boxley) - (4)
             Re: but you must gloat - (pwhysall) - (3)
                 I really would rather... - (rcareaga) - (2)
                     Re: I really would rather... - (pwhysall)
                     Ah, the ex has a potential affect on pension - (boxley)

I learned much knowledge from this post.
87 ms