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New Judge opens Easter egg
Judge CKK has stated she needs to learn more about set-top boxes, handhelds and other new technology devices, and will allow testimony about them. This signals the possible of significantly broadening of the case, which Microsoft very much wanted restricted to browsers and Java.
New The only down side
That the judge would do this shows she has at least some grasp of the real issues involved, that she understands that punishing MS for past trangressions isn't enough.

The only down side I see is that this is liable to drag things out again. MS will use this try and get another extension to prepare their defense, and the CKK will probably have to give them something.

If MS can push the discussion of the current settlement through before dealing with the other states they will. And the pressure to give in if the settlement goes through will be high.

New Re: The longer MS is on the rack the better

Last week whilst in Yunnan prov in China, there was a 90 min TV feature in Mandarin on Bill Gates & his evolution - was very interesting (they left the US voices). The message laod & clear from the show was how filty rich Gates had become & how the US govt was going after the company because of its tactics - it seemed a very well balanced show.


Doug Marker
New Can you send a ref to this tape to PBS / NPR in US?
..at least there would be a miniscule chance of it being aired here. None of the Corp meeja would touch it, of course.

Were you able just to get a link, address related to the China agency + description ~ as you gave it, I'd think that.. it couldn't hurt.

They could air it under rubric, "how Others see us and US"
     Judge opens Easter egg - (Andrew Grygus) - (3)
         The only down side - (JayMehaffey) - (2)
             Re: The longer MS is on the rack the better - (dmarker2) - (1)
                 Can you send a ref to this tape to PBS / NPR in US? - (Ashton)

85 ms