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New Sounds like my F=MA sign
Required reading before applying for a driver's license. One must demonstrate an understanding of kinetic energy, the EZ pushed-innedness (to use the technical term) of human bodies and the important 2 in that other equation [E=\ufffdMV2] equation, as regards velocity, mass and the amount of energy you are er "controlling".

Hah.. one in 20? 50? Tell me about the tailgaters at 65 mph..

Hmmm, dare I steal a piece of marlowesque boilerplate and observe that we have become a nation of ... whiners (and fucking ignorant ones at that) ??

Oh well,


whining about the whiners
New one car lenth for every 10mph
     DDT. - (acagle) - (16)
         *grin* - (imric) - (14)
             I remember you sharing that story before - (drewk) - (1)
                 Yup! -NT - (imric)
             Reminds me of an architect I knew - (ben_tilly) - (11)
                 Not just architects; Greed is now a commodity - (Ashton) - (6)
                     Works the other way also - (boxley)
                     Heh. Airports are a favorite target - (Ric Locke) - (4)
                         Sounds like my F=MA sign - (Ashton) - (1)
                             one car lenth for every 10mph -NT - (boxley)
                         Same stuff in Seattle. - (inthane-chan) - (1)
                             Universal situation - (Ric Locke)
                 There's an article in the NYT... - (neelk) - (3)
                     Zoning is a forum by itself - (boxley) - (2)
                         Re: Zoning is a forum by itself - (neelk) - (1)
                             Three comments - (ben_tilly)
         Ancient History - (morganek)

Mmmmm... warm chunky cheese Danish... in a cup! How convenient is that??
42 ms