as Milw. Co. Exec has been to "not raise taxes." Which is bullshit, the taxes have gone up continuously under his kabuki.
His thing was he flat-out refused to authorize tax increases, inflation and declining base be damned, and eventually the board would have to override his veto and do their own budget. The bills eventually got paid, and he got to claim he never raised taxes. A real conservative would have played it straight and actually provided leadership instead of playing games. And we probably would have ended up with lower taxes.
A big piece of that was that he refused to pay for people to staff the county welfare stuff, for the biggest city in the state. Filing for unemployment, or making any change to any related stuff, in Milwaukee meant hitting redial for several hours, and then once you managed to not get a busy signal, being on hold for several more hours. I am not exaggerating. When I got laid off, it took me 7 hours of phone time to file, and about 5 minutes of that was spent talking to somebody. Eventually the State took over. Electing this clown Governor was insane.
I predict that Wisconsin will be completely fucked over if not bankrupt before his one term is over. And the Feds taking direct control of the I system (which will happen in Tea Party states too. Wisconsin won't be alone, but based on the few little snows we've had so far, maybe the first.) will just be one of the more obvious symptoms. There will be others. The Feds will be bailing out Tea Party States all over the place. The Tea Party may well be the end of the Federalist idea, ironically completing what the old Republicans set out to do but taking it farther than they ever intended.