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New 100 sled dogs slain in Canada
VANCOUVER, British Columbia – The 100 dogs were shot dead over two days after an expected post-Olympics boon in dogsledding business at an adventure company didn't pan out. Most died instantly, but others suffered — like the one that ran away with its "face blown off and an eye hanging out."

The gruesome event was described in documents awarding compensation to a worker, who claimed post-traumatic stress disorder for having to shoot the dogs after bookings dropped sharply for a tour operator following the 2010 Winter Olympics.

"He had to chase her down and finish her off," Marcie Moriarty, general manager of cruelty investigations for the B.C. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, said of the wounded down that was run down and slain.

This is wrong.
New Awful.
New That is horrific
New since there was a market for those animals, even worse
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New Special relationship
There are some who point out that we slaughter pigs and cows and rats and bacteria without blinking.

I guess that on a theoretical moral calculus, it doesn't matter.

But I think we have a special relationship to that species. There is something special between dogs (and cats) and humans.

When you kill, you invalidate a piece of your own humanity. You step on your fundamental compassion. When that killing is in the form of taking an antibiotic or stomping a cockroach or spider or eating a cheeseburger or porkchop, it is a fringe of your compassion. When you kill a dog or a cat, or an Iraqi, or your wife, that's a lot closer to the core of who you are.
I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band.
(Tori Amos)
New methodology was poor
bullets are cheap, dogs running around with their face half blown off is not
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 55 years. meep
New We see, over and over, that there is NO
'special relationship' in the mind of the callow-MBA (pick your percentage there..) VS Profit,
a word which has no 'social' connotations whatsoever == see Chainsaw whatsisname and the other Robber Barons du jour.

The dehumanization of our Corporatocracy ... speaks for Itself. We, next, grow up -?- or the suicide of the whole mess continues on schedule.
Apparently, Canada has its percentage of similar emotional defectives, too; Pity.
I see little left on this side of that border, worth 'defending' in the next war in-the-unending-series. YMMV

New Special relationship: agreed
I routinely feast on the corpses of cattle, sheep, swine, fish, fowl and mollusks. Being at the top of the food chain, I tell my Bay Area vegan friends, carries with it certain responsibilities, and if God hadn't intended us to eat animals He wouldn't have made them out of meat, am I right?

This said, I'm a little uneasy about pork ever since I read about the sad saga of a pig of nearly 1200 pounds, raised as a pet, that was sold to one of these appalling "hunting parks." The lumbering creature, which had for its entire life associated human beings with the provision of buckets of slops, was tormented—one can scarcely call it "hunting"—for three hours by an eleven year-old Murrican savage with a pistol, who took that long to do the creature to death, and posed proudly atop its corpse.

As I would not consume the tissue of cetaceans, elephants or primates, I may have to add suinae to this roster of forbidden flesh.

As to dogs, humanity and Canis lupus familiaris came to an arrangement a long time ago, the terms of which are heavily weighted in favor of the primate party. The more time I spend around dogs, the more impressed I am that they consent to the partnership. If the other animals with whom we share this planet could be raised to a level of abstraction that would permit them to grasp the concept of "evil," and to assign a form factor thereunto, humans would embody that satanic slot. And yet, dogs, those ever-hopeful collaborators, like us. We would be a much lonelier species without them.

New Indeed, canis sanctus
as they must possess such levels of tolerance of human cupidity and cruelty, completely unfettered by common-human guile.
We continue to spawn savages of decreasing sensibilities and increasing hubris, notwithstanding.
We are surrounded by Superior Beings, it seems.

New Exec. Summ:
dogs > people, for the most part.
     100 sled dogs slain in Canada - (rcareaga) - (9)
         Awful. -NT - (Another Scott)
         That is horrific - (folkert)
         since there was a market for those animals, even worse -NT - (boxley)
         Special relationship - (mhuber) - (5)
             methodology was poor - (boxley)
             We see, over and over, that there is NO - (Ashton)
             Special relationship: agreed - (rcareaga) - (2)
                 Indeed, canis sanctus - (Ashton)
                 Exec. Summ: - (pwhysall)

Crap shoot and intuition then.
43 ms