IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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New It's 7.3
The rumor I heard was that they were having trouble converting to compiling with their version of gcc 3.1 so they've decided to do another 7.x release while they let 8.0 slip.

David "LordBeatnik"
New Well... at least rumors are...
Rumors, I heard the same thing. But it was another dead branch of gcc v3.0something. But we get the picture.

Alot of other things didn't show up that I'd expected either... Like newer LOTSA things... as I am forced to update somethings for some products we run.

Oh, well, another revision, some more job security!!! ;)

greg, curley95@attbi.com -- REMEMBER ED CURRY!!!

Keep software free. Oppose the CBDTPA. Kill S.2048 dead.
New On the last 6 RPMs
What should I expect to miss?

Other than the fact it didn't pick up my mouse
and made me go through text install?

I suspect I fried my MB on a hot mouse plug.

It's OK, I have a stack more to try later.
     Red Hat 8.0 Beta - (a6l6e6x) - (5)
         Ooops... You mean 7.3.... - (folkert) - (4)
             Re: Ooops... You mean 7.3.... - (a6l6e6x) - (3)
                 It's 7.3 - (lordbeatnik) - (2)
                     Well... at least rumors are... - (folkert) - (1)
                         On the last 6 RPMs - (broomberg)

It is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the area you just bombed.
73 ms