An astute observation..
Mine was never 'mean' to me, and perhaps not so much evil as insouciant.. in the Murican-mold of, never having attempted to empathize, even for a moment, with the objects of her derision
-- I add, in 20/20 hindsight. So yeah.. an odd Thing.
ie She kneweth-Not What She Do ... do ... do.
The truly-Evull ones (IME) are those who appear to have coldly assessed their judgments, found these to be Revealed Truth:
concluded thus that her targets are worthless/sub-human entities!
(much as the Nazis, the Jews -- the unconscious-majority having failed to note the artificiality of Der Führer's entire thesis)
== just fscking scapegoats, who were soo handy.
Ex: Rushmouth (the Oxycontin free-base Addict) whose own craving was OK, because he's special
... then read his previous diatribes about them awful-addicts
[who should be shot ~~ his obvious tacit judgment, then.]
(Could most hypocrisy be just garden-variety insouciance ?!)
We Paragons Want to Know!