You may have noted that I'm not big on deification (of the Fathers-of-whatever) or 'deities' per se.

I thought it an interesting er, today we might call it {ugh} framing? -- as a rhetorical rubric.
But it's boilerplate politico-babble whenever parsed back to any referents. Mainly -- was pointing out the evanescence of 'attribution' - however many mondo 'search engines' are revved up. Ain't nothin Certain in these parts, that I can see.

Which is to imply ~~ as a species we seem to do poorly about vetting the crap inculcated into us as tykes; To that exact point I heard, en passant on npr tday, of a book, Nurture Shock (!) which I think deals with that very phenom -- got it on list to look further into.

Still, Muricans will take such stuff on down to nursery-level (like Geo. Washington's cherry tree fable.)
But those FFs assuredly did have a handful of genuine outliers, IMhO, even though we turned out collectively to be so crass, sanctimonious and hypocritical -- for all the brilliant effort that went into the Launching, eh?

Anyway, I concur that such a wannabe-algorithm sucks / falls under that category: extraordinary claims need ... you know. You appear to demand a level of truthiness about as unRealistic as I would like to see, too. But all of capitalism is based upon becoming One-up / making Your share Larger by any means available (see: John Dewey's infamous pragmatism, a Holy Word implicit in the endless Self-praise of all our anthems.) No niceties required and nary a nod For truthiness -- just go out and Win it All. cha. cha.

('Course the viral-form of Vulture-capitalism ... methinks that needs a whole separate screed sometime.)
Lies.. it's our fav fast-food. Wish someone had TOLD me that! back in kindergarten -- instead of the fluffy-bunny stuff. (Scary though, when 60 yos mouth the same fantasy stuff)
And still talk about The American Peepul -- as-if a monolith.

Long way to go before sentience strikes.Have We That-much time??
