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New "Talk to me like I'm an idiot." - Xcode on Mac Mini Server
So I've got this MacMini Server box. I've found a software package that I'd like to compile and run ( http://code.google.com/p/ellipstools/ ). It seems to have been built with OSX's XCode in mind.

I've got the Snow Leopard Server disks. The MacMini Server does not have a DVD drive. I have an external USB/Firewire DVD drive that I can attach.

Once I attach the DVD drive and install the XCode tools, assuming that is straigh-forward, then what?

Can someone give me a step-by-step rundown on how to compile the Ellipstools package into an executable that I can use on our Dell Mini9 running OSX? I've only used Borland Builder to work with C/C++ code on Winders before, and have never compiled anything for a Mac. Any gotchas in taking the executable and transferring it to another OSX machine (e.g. any DLLs that have to be included with it)?

As TNC says, "talk to me like I'm an idiot" and help this poor newbie out.

Thanks very much. :-)

New let's see...
make a folder somewhere for your projects. Mine's at:

Open up a terminal session and type cd<space>, then drag the folder icon to the terminal window & hit <return>. Note - if you've already inside the Xcode folder, you can drag the icon that's just to the left of the folder name in the window title. You can also just type the path :)

copy/paste the SVN line into terminal, then hit <return>
svn checkout http://ellipstools.g...de.com/svn/trunk/ ellipstools-read-only
... hmm, iwt put ... in the middle of the svn line. Get the line from this page, it's at the bottom of the blue box:

You should now have a new folder ellipstools-read-only in your Xcode folder. Double click it

Double click AutoEllips.xcodeproj, this will bring up Xcode.

Click the drop-down that says Debug | x86_64 and select Release.

In the Xcode menu Build, select the Build option.

At this point I hit a snag - in the lower-right corner I see 654 errors, clicking the red circled ! takes me to the Build Results window. The first issue I see is it wants include file labjackusb.h, but it wasn't included with the SVN. Only thing I see on their site about that is a comment on the project's homepage - aims to replace the aged computer system with a DAQ system (LabJack)

If I go back to the first Xcode window and scroll down the list of files I see liblabjackusb.dylib in red - that means it can't find it. Right-click and get-info shows that it should be at /usr/local/lib/liblabjackusb.dylib.

Google search turns up this page:

However it's after midnight and I've run out of steam so I'm heading to bed.
New Very many thanks.
I greatly appreciate it.

I'm interested in the calculations, not the data acquisition stuff. I'm assuming I can just NOP the DAQ hardware interfaces and get the calculations working.

Thanks very much. I could have been flailing around for hours otherwise!

I'll give it a shot soon and report back.

New Your welcome!
the name for that icon in the title bar is Proxy Icon. There's a video of how to use it here:
I'm assuming I can just NOP the DAQ hardware interfaces and get the calculations working.

You could be making shit up and I wouldn't know the difference.

     "Talk to me like I'm an idiot." - Xcode on Mac Mini Server - (Another Scott) - (4)
         let's see... - (SpiceWare) - (3)
             Very many thanks. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                 Your welcome! - (SpiceWare)
                 ICLRPD - (drook)

Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul. Ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
36 ms