embedded in all strata of the Medico-Industrial Complex (not to mention: put a single Financier-criminal into a jail cell)
-- with a Repo House to defend to the death their Right to impunity for 'past' $-crimes.
Nor can he do a Vulcan mind-meld (it's ©) on the inept, intransigent, polarized ergo Useless 'legislative' branch.
Nor reeducate the majority Return-to-Disneyland contingent of the vox populi.
Maybe Sunny Sarah Palin can fix it all with a few corny homilies ..?
(if they have her on airpirt Tee Vee, amidst the crush of emigrées)
-- in line to have their naughty bits palpated, on their way out of Titanic-class steerage.