Which is when/where we get into the question of whether the government will ever care where I go or what I do.

Yes, they will.

The same government that kept a file on Martin Luther King will care where I go.

Or, rather, they will care what vehicles are parked in proximity to certain locations. What cell phones are carried in certain buildings.

As long as you never question the government or meet with those who do, you'll have nothing to worry about.
Yes, you did skip over a bit when you quoted that, didn't you?

Now, context.

I will NOT die from falling off a tall building.

Not because gravity doesn't work.

Not because the fall wouldn't kill me.

Not because I'm "afraid" of gravity.

Not because I'm "afraid" of tall buildings.

But because I'm not going to jump off of a tall building.

So, is the government going to track me?


Am I afraid of the government tracking me?


Can I get the government to track me?


Have OTHER people doing LEGAL acts that are "good" been tracked by the government?


So, is the government going to track me/am I going to die falling from a building?


Would the government track me/would I die falling from a building?


Has the government tracked other "good" people/have other people died from falling from buildings?


You see, the reason I included King's name was to show that the government would track someone doing what King did. Now, have you seen my name on national television doing anything equivalent to King? Now, if I did, would the government track me? If I don't, would the government track me?

