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New I found this

the download isn't working, but I found it here:

I installed it and it looks neat, but the cloud update is failing.

Edit: I uninstalled it. It wouldn't save preferences and the cloud updates never worked.
Expand Edited by SpiceWare Oct. 26, 2010, 02:03:42 PM EDT
New Excellent. Thanks.
I found that too, but the download linky was dead and I hadn't found a working mirror. Thanks for that. It installed fine, works pretty well, too, at least so far.

There's a comment there about how to get the clouds working. I haven't tried that yet.

Oh, I see that you gave up on it. I'll keep trying it for a while and report back if I have more success.

Thanks a bunch!

     Best way for Xplanet wallpaper on OS X? - (Another Scott) - (2)
         I found this - (SpiceWare) - (1)
             Excellent. Thanks. - (Another Scott)

Perfectly clear, if you swallow the right mushrooms and squint your eyes just right.
61 ms