Last week, I had a really bad IBS attack that caused me to bleed bright red blood for 2 days. It has since stopped, (whew).
I have talked to a colon doctor, and they are planning to do a colonoscopy on me, but due to my anxiety, hypoglycemic tendencies, and many other unmentioned factors, they are trying to set it up where I'll go into the hospital for the prep period, spend one night and have the procedure. They will run an IV to keep my protein level up and anxiety down, etc.
I'm very scared, and it seems to have started a chain reaction with panic attacks baed on any sort of pain from the area, so I'm having dizziness, cold sweats and etc. and had to be brought home from my church job today, because I couldn't stand up without feeling faint.
So I'm asking not only for prayers/thoughts that nothing serious is wrong, but also that I can handle the anxiety reactions this pain seems to be causing. It is currently set up for November 10th, (go in on the 9th), but I may try to move it up due to all these sudden symptoms and reactions.
Anyway, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers, I've never been hospitalized before, and I'm very nervous.
Nightowl >8#