True, but they are still going to have the new interface
It's still going to compete with Facebook, but it isn't going to be forced onto those of us that can't use it to function with our groups.
And trust me, our groups are much more than "mailing lists" and we've proven that so many times in the last few weeks, it isn't funny. More people use the web interface, links, files, photos, etc. than they ever dreamed, and even those that use only the mailing lists had only one view of groups. We've all learned a lot about all the various ways they can be used, and believe me, it's been enlightening.
Oddly enough, the group I created to fight to save them, used just about EVERY feature available, (even some I'd never used like files and links), except maybe photos, and that's only because we haven't had a need for one yet. So we not only defended our group usages, we demonstrated just about all of them. ;)
Maybe enough of the younger generation will jump on the new look, and believe me, there are people in the Classic Groups who are willing to try the new look...but only if the bugs are all worked out, no more sudden reveals of previously private information, for example, and no functionality taken away.
So Yahoo, if it pays attention right, and plays it's hand well, could have the best of both worlds, and that's my group's new goal to achieve, to help them understand and develop that. :)
It just feels so good to have helped all the members involved b able to stand up as a united force and win this. :) It also helped them feel empowered, which makes me feel very good about it. :) Now they know without a doubt, they do have a voice, and it CAN be heard.
When asking God for a break, be sure to specify what KIND you want!