Little Crazy remembers those days.
The history books were obvious white wash. They stopped at the early 70s, and we weren't allowed to to about the current stuff happening. We sure as hell didn't talk about Nixon for more then 10 minutes, ie: 2 paragraphs in the book.
Vietnam? None of that, too dangerous.
If we tried to bring up a contradiction, Little Johny's father would foam at the mouth. How dare we ask uncomfortable questions? His father trained him well to follow orders and simply not ask, and if someone points out holes in his viewpoint, he simply didn't care. After all, he was right. God told him (or told his father, or told his father's father, etc).
Most of little Johnny's father's classmates grew up, knowing that most of the history they threw at us in school was bullshit, but we only found out after high school just how much they were lying. We kept learning, and kept our eyes and ears open. We know there are shades of gray, and our job to to try to balance them.
Little Johnny's father would have none of that. He was comfy in his cocoon. How dare anyone try to intrude. He KNOWS his god (lowercase on purpose) is right, and might is right, so as long as his god gave him the might to enforce his will, he must be doing the right thing. Those types of fantasies are common in the Johny family and associated church group.
The only way little Johnny's attitude can perpetuate would be via carefully controlled information channels. After all, the more you know, the less you believe without proof, since EVERYONE in power is lying to you. Including your minister, rabbi, imam, priest, teacher, principal, guidance counselor, HR department, boss, politician of ALL stripes, ... (got the point?). History is written by the winners. The point now is to understand WHAT someone is lying about, and WHY someone is trying to lie to you, not if.
Little Johnny's father feels they are already controlled, after all. The big government/media conspiracy and all that. He even feels the internet is controllable, so he better control it 1st.
Big Johny's dad works for the ISP, and fully supports his business' right to restrict any speech that might affect the business in a negative way. Little Johny's dad is a classic head in the sand, don't worry I'll be dead before it all goes south kind of guy. And even if he's still alive, he's got incredible military and survivalist skill. He's be ok. Fuck the rest of them.
So Big Johnny and Little Johnny (and their associated Marys) will move further and further into isolation, but as each generation gets more info, and starts to make their decisions, they will lose the believers.
Demographic trends says no more little Johnnies in 20-50 years, at least not enough for serious political impact. So the big Johnnies (those that see it coming) are talking war. Johny's time in the sun is over. And they know it.