The TSA has NOTHING to do with effeciency
That was a pretty crappy red herring. It's job definition includes slowing it down for them to handle it, not making it faster.
As usual, you guys tagged teamed the bullshit.
As far as anecdotal, yeas, he says it too:
It's not 1800 anymore. We need more from the feds than what they brought to the table in 1800.
If you want to talk about not wasting money, that's great. Nobody, least of all me, likes to see good money p*ssed away. Bring some specifics to the table, we'll run the numbers, and we'll see where we stand.
If you want to talk about Scaling Back The Heavy Hand Of Government and Unleashing The Creative Potential Of The Market, please excuse me while I go count the silver.
We spent a long time on the last thread before you could be pinned down on some specifics. A loonnnnggggg time.