Who is the responsible legal authority to maintain records related to property ownership?
I haven't answered because it doesn't matter who is the legal authority over the paperwork. What if it were a private entity? Would that make the court situation different? No, it wouldn't.
Civil cases are about disputes between 2 parties before an impartial judge. Full stop.
That is the issue.
It doesn't matter if a perfect database of perfect information exists somewhere in some county office, or some UN agency in Ulan Bator, or in an office park at One Infinte Loop. What matters is what information is presented by the 2 parties to the court.
We need to trust the banks and/or any other plaintiff to get their information correct before they file or have some penalty imposed upon them.
Yes, that's how the civil court system works and has for hundreds or thousands of years. It's an adversarial system - the truth comes out in a battle between the two sides before an impartial judge. The system depends on the 2 sides presenting factual information. Not on the court deciding, on its own, what is or is not a fact.
You continue to want to make this issue a failure of some government entity. It's not. It's a failure of the banks and their agents to do their jobs. They cut corners, bamboozled the system, and deserve to be held accountable.