Please detail the cost to "cancel"
You really can't compare the issues until you quantify the costs.
And you are cherry picking on the notice issue. I can do the same.
If someone gets their bills electronically (no paper option is pushed) and pays through direct withdrawal (again, pushed hard), then the only communication left is a stream of emails, monthly worthless spam that you are trained to ignore.
If they get it the old fashioned way, in the mail, the packet is constructed to push the ads (affiliate marketing pays huge) and downplay the terms change information. I know, I've mailed these things, and I was part of the backroom design. They adhere to the bare legal minimum in font and language. If the lawyers approved it (and even sometimes when they don't), the thing gets mailed.
So, notification is horrible.
But even if it wasn't, so what. The power balance is too large. If one side can change the terms of a contract at any time, it's not a contract. If only side can, then it is slavery.