re 'dental' nexus of complaints
A friend experienced several odd symptoms over ~10 years; nothing like 'causality' could be found amidst a gaggle of alleged Pros. Turned out (discovered last year) that an earlier root-canal on her, BI-cuspid was billed and 'done' on one root only. A sub rosa infection seemed to strike sinuses and elsewhere on body.
(Legal gymnastics pending..)
Similarly re, say one tooth whose exact bite-height is screwed up, either in elevation or, say poor 'anatomy' (the coruscations custom-sculpted into each biting surface by a hopefully ept *tech) can do quirky things not only to jaw muscles but quite beyond the mouth. ie inept dentistry can catalyze a lplethora of vague symptoms. Werd, from a (Real) Pro. See below.
* in ancient times, dentists did their own casting, were graded punctiliously on all the above facets.
Mostly now, these designs of both art and science are farmed out, for all reasons of that manic hurriedness which perfuses every activity in MarketMurica. (Koan -- the hurrier I go the behinder I get)
(I was fortunate to have an acquaintance just starting his clinical work at UCSF; he turned out to be A+ material -- was asked to return and teach, after grad, etc.
His apparent innate skills + the time-consuming floor checks by profs. got me an unusually correct also durable set of restorations, inexpensively via 'student', yet.
(And that time, waiting for 'approval' ... got me a pretty incisive factoid course in the whole matter -- useful ever since.)
In >35 years [!!] one cement surface loosened; a mere re-gluing solved that.
Part of a molar cracked near a crown, requiring the first new casting work, a couple years back.
Local dentist recently concurred re quality, himself remarking about the mentioned 'anatomy' shapes and execution of Dr. B: '"no ... you Can't get that level of work now ..."
Lucky moi ... synchronicity, I guess. Dr. B ended up practicing in the academic ghetto in Berkeley hills.. near moi. This at the beginning of small computers.
I recall 'testing' his mondo expensive NEC 'Sellum One model?' daisywheel printer on my Osborne1 via WordStar natch -- inserting lots of sub- super- scripts as for nuclide descriptions, marveling at the speed and the Cost! (maybe 4x the Osborne?)
Ah.. everything was New, back then. And 58K was enough to create a bitchin WP, especially for touch-typists.
And yes, I am aware that my dental experience is as an extreme outlier -- this also despite, early-on (at boarding school) young-dumbth that created the many amalgam-filled 'cavities' which were fully corrected.
I continue to be amazed at the fussless durability of that work, done Once. Right. :-)