I dissaprove
Bacon's awesomeness is sufficient.
Why taint it with other things?
How could a bacon pancake or whatever compare with bacon?
Sure, bacon can also be a modifier to other things, but for sheer baconny baconness, what could be better than bacon? Other than more bacon, but the way to end up with more bacon is to put more bacon (and nothing else) in the pan.
I wrapped a pork roast in bacon, which added some salt and fat to the pork roast. A better pork roast, but really, not the bacon experience. Did something similar with a fillet mignon. Awesome. But not bacon. The awesomeness came from the beef and the sauce, the bacon merely prevented the beef from drying and added some salt. A good marinade would have done the job.
I think it's perfectly clear we're in the wrong band.
(Tori Amos)