A delightfully sarcastic wench..
As some cohorts in Berkeley referred to selves. I don't doubt that the numbers progression has worked in the past, but the multitasking of today -??- may distract fatally.
She's right.. yet the thin veneer of remembered Affluenza still mesmerizes most of the onlookers just now, who expect consumption to keep on keeping-on exponentially (I guess.)
Her apropos quip in
Early Grrrl -- could be written by several recent cohorts - -
We go to meet our favorite programs
the way we might have met a lover,
the mixture of the familiar routine
and the unexpected revelation.
We can buy love at the shelter
if we get there before they have
executed it for being unwanted,
its fur cooling in the garbage.
[. . .]
Too-close for any comfort in the stark accuracy;
(The ~ 14 yo tiny tortoise-shell, sprung on 7-28, has been named Micro [2nd name
μ] is recovering nicely from a mistaken double-dose of needless vaccinations;
had we been 10?-20 hours later in claiming her? See above.)
Believe she's beginning to realize that she may actually have escaped / won't be sent back ... that's my def'n of Right-to-Life;
never mind the zygotes. Obviously Ms. Piercy knows our milieu cold -- thanks for the Find.
Must sample more of her wares.